President Barack Obama On Dante’s ‘Skinny Bitches Well Trained And Obedient’ Corner Truly A Skinny Bitch

'I dreamed of this one here as Lord
and huntsman, pursing the wolf
and the cubs up the mountain
(which blocks the sight of Lucca from the Pisans).

And skinny bitches, well trained
and obedient; he had out in front
as leaders of the pack Gualandi
with Sismondi and Lanfranchi.

A short run, and the father with his
sons seemed to grow tired, and
then I thought I saw Long fangs
sunk deep into their sides, ripped
Inferno xxxiii

Mon Nov 02 2009 07:05:52 ET

Eyebrows raised over the weekend as President Obama walked out of the gym at Fort McNair -- appearing thin as a rail!

Rigorous workouts and high-stress basketball games are said to be behind the dramatic weight loss.

"No, he's not chain smoking," claims an insider. "He's working non-stop for the country... yes, he does occasionally skip meals."

The president explained in Miami last week: "Just because I'm skinny doesn't mean I'm not tough."


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