What Does H.E. Bishop Williamson Have To Do With The Jew Peter Schiff?

Lady Wisdom on Wisdom and gold
Receive my instruction, and not money: choose knowledge rather than gold. Get wisdom, because it is better than gold: and purchase prudence, for it is more precious than silver.

Recent post on angelqueen: The Websites Recommended By Bishop Williamson...detailing the economic advice of H.E. Bishop Williamson and the suggested websites that a Traditional Roman Catholic should follow.

These web sites recommend by H.E. Bishop Williamson are:

1) jsmineset.com
2) 321gold.com

Problem with the above websites is the price of gold. Currently gold is at $1,150.00. Watch the popularity of these websites plummet along with the price of gold. Another observation is that one writer for the 321gold.com website is the Jew Peter Schiff. Why does H.E. Bishop Williamson concern himself with the economic advice of a Jew? Why would H.E. Bishop Williamson recommend Jewish economic writers to the lay faithful? So according to H.E. Bishop Williamson when it comes to the price of gold, Jewish influence is O.K. but on matters of history H.E. Bishop Williamson would rather part company with the Jew. Hmmm…… Protocols of the Elders of Zion may be required reading for H.E. Bishop Williamson and the Jewish/Masonic new world order must be defeated, but when it comes to the price of gold the Jews are O.K.?


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