The Prophetic Dream Of Dante Alighieri On Imperial Action (The Eagle) ~ Purgatorio IX


In dream I seemed to see an eagle poised,
with golden pinions, in the sky: its wings
were open; it was ready to swoop down.
And I seemed to be there where Ganymede
deserted his own family when he
was snatched up for the high consistory.
Within myself I thought: "This eagle may
be used to hunting only here; its claws
refuse to carry upward any prey
found elsewhere." Then it seemed to me that, wheeling
slightly and terrible as lightning, it
swooped, snatching me up to the fire's orbit.
And there it seemed that he and I were burning;
and this imagined conflagration scorched
me so-I was compelled to break my sleep.
Purgatorio Canto IX

For although the eagle is surpassed by certain birds, there is none more efficient in predicting what will come to pass. He can outstrip all other birds in flight; he is nowhere excluded from the secrets of Jove himself, since he is said to possess such keenness of vision that from high heaven he can espy tiny fish in the depths of the sea and can fix his gaze upon the orb of the sun (something impossible for other living creatures). As a result of the keenness of his senses, he received by grace of Jove a knowledge of truth and of the mysteries of nature. Who would dare to say that one who shares the plans of Jove is a false interpreter of the same? An eagle, flying above the field as the battle between the Locrians and the men of Croton was still raging, is said to have conferred the victory upon the former, who though few in number annihilated an innumerable host. We read that this sign was supported by a stranger one. Two young men of lofty stature and graceful bearing, clothed in white, preceded the Locrians, one on either side. It was commonly held that they were Castor and Pollux. Omens of this type are of greater significance when they appear in pairs. When Hiero, whom we have mentioned before, was beginning his military career an eagle suddenly perched on his shield as he advanced, indicating that he would be a doughty warrior and would become king. The day on which Alexander was born two eagles sat perched on the ridgepole of his father's house, an omen of double empire, in Europe and Asia.Policraticus of John of Salisbury

Reader, you can see clearly how I lift
my matter; do not wonder, therefore, if
I have to call on more art to sustain it.

Purgatorio Canto IX is best interpreted as the act of proper contemplation leading to proper political action. Proper contemplation centers around the liturgy and the liturgical cycle. Only by faithfully receiving the Blessed Sacrament at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in union with does one properly contemplate the things of God.

Contemplation is the best interpretation of the following:

In dream I seemed to see an eagle poised,
with golden pinions, in the sky: its wings
were open; it was ready to swoop down.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is represented by the place where Ganymede was taken up (Mount Ida near Troy) and high consistory is the act of Contemplation:

And I seemed to be there where Ganymede
deserted his own family when he
was snatched up for the high consistory

Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is also represented by the place where the eagle only hunts:

Within myself I thought: "This eagle may
be used to hunting only here; its claws
refuse to carry upward any prey
found elsewhere."

No where else does proper contemplation receive its power than faithfully receiving the Blessed Sacrament at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in union with Rome.

The fire's orbit and the burning is best interpreted as the fruit of contemplation:

Then it seemed to me that, wheeling
slightly and terrible as lightning, it
swooped, snatching me up to the fire's orbit.
And there it seemed that he and I were burning;
and this imagined conflagration scorched
me so-

Finally one is move to action:

I was compelled to break my sleep.

Only by proper contemplation does one properly order and govern his life and he is then able to properly govern others. Contemplation is necessary for one who is to govern others as already said here . Dante is writing to men who will govern others, but governing others by the agency and authority of the Divine Office of the Holy Roman Emperor. Modern men who choose to rebel against the Blessed Trinity and to govern as they see fit are not capable of properly contemplating the things of God.


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