Tips From The Noble Whore Taki Theodoracopulos On Having One’s Cake And Also Eating It, Straight From The Whore's Mouth

Taki And His Mistress

Taki's ten rules for keeping your mistress

1) Always remind your wife that you love her and will never leave her for anyone else, ever.

2) Always remind your prospective lover that, if she gives in, you will never leave her and that you love her more than your wife.

3) Always promise marriage. Promising marriage has served me well these last fifty years, although if one is past 60, one should promise that the last will and testament will look very kindly upon anyone who has had carnal knowledge of the soon-to-be deceased.

4) Never raise your voice or show anger. Always fake jealousy with both your wife and lover, and especially with your mistress.

5) Deny, deny, deny. Never admit the slightest indiscretion. Confessions are for amateur adulterers.

6) Be very generous before and after the affair. Women talk, and word that one is generous gets around quicker than bad news.

7) Marry a beautiful woman, preferably upper class and sure of herself, and cuckold her with lesser, uglier beings. She won't mind and they will be flattered to cuckold someone superior to them.

8) Be romantic. Whisper and write notes to both the wife and the lovers.

9) Make love to everyone concerned regularly. Well serviced women do not go looking for trouble.

10) Always be in a good mood and always make them laugh. Show me a man who makes women laugh, and I'll show you one who scores…a lot.

Is this the man-whore who will start a conservative political revolution? Where in the hell do these guys come from? Read for yourself of the Noble purpose behind Taki's Magazine:

Editor and Publisher: Taki Theodoracopulos

Managing Editor: Richard B. Spencer

Contributing Editors: Peter Brimelow, Patrick J. Buchanan, David Gordon, Paul Edward Gottfried, Kevin R. C. Gutzman, Jack Hunter, E. Christian Kopff, Tom Piatak, Justin Raimondo, Steve Sailer, Thomas E. Woods Jr.

About Taki:

On February 5, 2007, journalist and socialite Taki Theodoracopulos launched Taki’s Magazine, (, a conservative online magazine. Taki writes a column, the High Life which has appeared in London’s The Spectator for the past twenty-five years. He writes also for National Review, the Sunday Times (London), Esquire, Vanity Fair, and Quest, among others. In 2002, Taki founded The American Conservative magazine with Pat Buchanan and Scott McConnell. Taki is a descendant of a titled family from the Ionian island of Zante. His father was a self-made shipping magnate who served in both the Greek armed forces during the World War II Balkan campaign of 1940-1941 and the anti-German resistance movement. Taki was educated at the Lawrenceville School and the University of Virginia, and is married to Princess Alexandra Schoenburg.

Why start this new online magazine? According to the just-turned-70 writer, who’s fit as a fiddle, and active in competitive martial arts, “I want to shake up the stodgy world of so-called “conservative” opinion. For the past ten years at least, the conservative movement has been dominated by a bunch of pudgy, pasty-faced kids in bow-ties and blue blazers who spent their youths playing Risk in gothic dormitories, while sipping port and smoking their father’s stolen cigars. Thanks to the tragedy of September 11, and a compliant and dim-witted president, these kids got the chance to play Risk with real soldiers, with American soldiers. Patriotic men and women are dying over in Iraq for a war that was never in America’s interests. And now these spitball gunners, these chicken hawks, want to attack Iran, which is no threat to the U.S. at all. One thing I can tell you for sure, there may well be some atheists in foxholes, but you’ll never find a neocon. They prefer to send blue-collar kids out to die on their behalf, so they get to feel macho and make up for all the times they got wedgies in prep school. It shall be our considered task to take on the chicken-hawks of this world, and give them wedgies again.
Writers for this site will include conservative and libertarian luminaries like Paul Gottfried, R.J. Stove, Justin Raimondo, Steve Sailer, and many others.

We want to reflect a traditional conservatism that prefers peace with honor to proxy wars, Western civilization to multicultural barbarism, Christendom to the European Union, and Russell Kirk to Leon Trotsky. This will undoubtedly infuriate many in the mainstream conservative movement, who have transferred their loyalties elsewhere. It’s time to raise their blood pressure a few points—and help them burn off some of those five-course meals they’ve been eating down on K Street, Taki said.


  1. Was he serious? or was that satire? Okay, I'm stupid and confused, but smarter than a lot of people so help me out here.

  2. I think he is serious. Look over his site you will find many articles defending this sort of lifestyle. The conservative movement that taki is a part of certainly does not look to Catholic Church for moral guidance. These conservatives have no shame, but they have money and plenty of time on their hands; it is apparently cool now a days to imitate the fornicating lifestyle of the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. And why not? These conservatives do not have any good ideas in economics or politics, it is the same old stuff. They are a politically impotent lot and since no one listens to them anymore, they have to get attention somehow and what better way to get attention than trying to be hip by degrading ones morals and promoting the fornicating lifestyle. Hey but if it is satire and Taki and his crew are morally above board then I will change the title of this thread.

  3. I used to admire Taki in the past. I no longer do. Turns out he is a deep-rooted bigot at heart. Certainly so, judging by the many anti-semitic comments I've seen published by him personally on his ''TakiMag'' site. Somebody who constantly makes quotes like''new money'' compared to ''old money'' obviously has serious class issue problems, and jealousy of the talents and brains of these so called ''new monied'' people. Especially if they happen to be Jewish. He makes his feelings so very obvious and they are really very tasteless.

  4. jacegaffney@hotmail.comJuly 1, 2010 at 12:17 AM

    Taki is that rare bird in this increasingly deadening,hypocritically heinous world: an unabashedly incorrigible little devil who never even made a pretense of growing up but who is also great fun (and knows he is to the select audience he actually directs his remarks to). His writing, all of which is fresh and funny and always in his own voice, is rather a parody of total candor than the actual thing itself. He quite craftily never writes about anything except himself making himself out to be more insufferable and or heroic than he actually is. The key to Taki is to revel in his prose style but to never make a point of how entertaining he is when in his company. To enjoy him is a guilty pleasure, to encourage him in his "bad boy" antics is sinful and in fact puts a damper on the fun. The devil deserves laughter but nothing more

    Very insightful. Couldn't be better said. The right attitude to take when reading Taki.
    All those readers who try to take him seriously are missing the point completely. He wants to be outrageous all the time. Taki is obnoxious and great fun. His style is a treasure and he cultivates his persona for the fun of it and in the knowledge that it is the only thing holding his readers. he is one of a kind, a rare animal that should be preserved just because he is so unlike anything else. The last thing to do is to seek wisdom or knowledge in his ranting.


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