Paris Hilton Joins Michela Vittoria Brambilla In Being Accused Of Giving The Nazi Salute

Paris Hilton with the left index finger under her nose imitating Hitler's moustache and her right arm extended giving the Nazi Salute.

Very bad girl Paris. It looks bad no matter what you were doing. Maybe you were playing a game of Simon sez and someone got the better of you, Simon sez place your left index finger under your nose! Simon sez extend your right arm in the air! Or maybe your under the influence of something else.. Paris I'm starting to think that you may visit this blog once in awhile or at least have a friend visit from time to time and at one time stumbled upon the posts of Michela Vittoria Brambilla giving the Nazi salute. Weird stuff. Now pay attention to what happened to the Italian Minister of Tourism Michela Vittoria Brambilla back in 2009 who was caught publicly giving the Nazi salute. This blog was the first to bring this bit of news to the English world. Because of the scandal that ensued Michela Vittoria Brambilla had to make a formal public apology for the alledge Nazi Salute. Maybe the Michela Vittoria Brambilla Nazi salute was in the back of your mind at the time of your attempt at humor etc and granted you may have been drinking a few, but now it looks bad. You haven't tweeted yet, maybe you should. A rep isn't going to save you. You're getting too old for this nonsense & the sacrament of confession never hurt anyone.

Michela Vittoria Brambilla "La Rossa" (the redhead) giving the Nazi salute


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