dxv515 Is Insanely Catholic ~ PZ Myers

dxv515 Cast Into The Pharyngula Dungeon

PZ Myers is a government worker who denies the existence of the Blessed Trinity and is a fanatical supporter of sexual deviants. PZ Myers spreads his virus as a biologist and associate professor at the University of Minnesota, Morris using state property to spread his demented views onto the internet.

dxv 515 was thrown into the Pharyngula dungeon for calling the raping of little boys by adult males a homosexual act! Bizarre that these demented godless scientists refuse to admit that homosexual acts are an unnatural perversion. One demented poster claimed that homosexual acts are ethical!?!

Government worker PZ Myers using state property to promote his demonically inspried views tells us the reason for his dungeon
My killfile is more powerful. Being entered here means your comments won't make it to the pages of Pharyngula, and no one will see them. Just to be fair, though, if such people have a web page or blog of their own, I'll note it here. You can go elsewhere to read their foolishness, but you won't find it on Pharyngula.

High Crimes and Misdemeanors
What gets people put into the Pharyngula killfile dungeon? This is a list of annoyances; it usually takes more than one incident to get thrown in the slammer, though. The people who've been incarcerated are typically persistent and have a known history of pulling these stunts over and over again.
PZ Myers passes sentence against dxv515:

dxv515 Insipidity, slagging Homophobic shrieky ranty pissant. Made the usual stupid defense of Catholic pedophiles, that because they rape little boys, their problem is homosexuality. Doesn't seem to understand the boundaries between "consenting adults" and "abusing children", so we don't want his kind around here. Also, insanely Catholic
Definition of the crimes that dxv515 committed:

Insipidity A great crime. Being tedious, repetitive, and completely boring; putting the blogger to sleep by going on and on about the same thing all the time.
Slagging Making only disparaging comments about a group; while some of this is understandable, if your only contribution is consistently "X is bad", even in threads that aren't about X, then you're simply slagging, not discussing.
ha ha ha... little does PZ Myers realize that the preparation for his impending trial is underway!


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