WTF: GNU Atheist Art? Damien Hirst

Valium: Atheist Scum Damien Hirst

"I started taking cocaine and drink... I turned into a babbling fucking wreck." Atheist Scum Damien Hirst

And you still are! ha ha ha

Will his Atheist friends hold an art exhibit after Damien Hirst blows his brains out all over the wall. His Atheistic demented friends will most likely cut out the portion of wall that contains the artist's brain fragments and dried blood and will hold some major exhibit. It might be a money maker if the demented and tormented artist sells tickets ahead of time to an elect few Atheists who would love nothing more than to witness the event, call it a final act into nothingness.

Really now? "Valium" is the best Atheistic art you scumbag Atheists can come up with?


  1. Quite fitting that someone obsessed with death cults like Christianity would come up with the idea of Hirst blowing "his brains out all over the wall".

    You sound slightly unhinged, hateful and certainly a darker carrier of your (laughably) peaceful God's message.

  2. Nicky how did you make your away around this blog without looking at all the Roman Catholic imagery? Must take a lot out of you, kinda draining I bet?

    Nicky could not hold back:

    "You sound slightly unhinged"
    "a darker carrier"
    "(laughably) peaceful God's message"

    Really now, nicky you mustn't be so direct in your name calling, if you yourself object to my comments about an Atheist scumbag why do you respond in kind to me? Shouldn't Atheist scum such as yourself take the high road? No, you are not able to do so, but what you can do with a passion is make rules for others to follow, which you yourself refuse to follow. That kinda sucks nicky.

    But hey if you want to spew forth your demonic venmom here, go right ahead, but a word of warning you will not get very far, 'cause you got nothing worth defending, the only occupation Atheist scum such as yourself is to deny all that is Holy. And frankly you guys do a bad job of it. So take your best shot.

    As for the babbling fucking wreck Damien Hirst, he will die in the way that he lived - very bad. Unless of course he converts ahead of time God willing. Same goes for you sonny boy - call this your wake up call.


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