Catalonia Wildfire Claims Three Lives: In Vain You Will Pray

Wildfire In North-Eastern Spain

"Water and fire will lend convulsive motions to the earth's sphere, causing mountains , cities, etc., to be swallowed up." Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)

"In vain you will pray, in vain you will act, you will never be able to make up for the troubles I have taken over for the rest of you." Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)

Drought in Spain? No, not as bad as it is here in these United States of America. But this is what to expect here in America because of your sins and lack of rain - caused by your sins. Things burn here on earth just like the souls in Hell. Only Hell fire is far worse, some saints say that the fire in this world is only a mere shadow of the fires of Hell. Something to reflect on as you watch our world burn.'Some men just want to watch the world burn' So here are few pictures to view for your contemplation:

'Some men just want to watch the world burn'

As for praying for an end to these irritating chastisements, I would first suggest that you reflect on the words of the Blessed Virgin Mary who told you that "In vain you will pray, in vain you will act, you will never be able to make up for the troubles I have taken over for the rest of you."  I really do think that most of you are very far from sainthood regardless how easy the churchmen may make it seem nowadays with the saint factory running at full steam. None of you will make up for all the troubles you have caused the Immaculate Heart of Mary. So remember that you are praying in vain for the end of what you deserve. These torments inflicted upon men have just started as far as I can tell, and should last for another 35 years or so - just as Our Lady said so back in 1846.

'Some men just want to watch the world burn'

'Some men just want to watch the world burn'

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