Abortion Is The New Evangelization! 55 Million Babies Killed Since Roe v. Wade - But Don't Worry They All Went To Heaven!

The Pro-Life movement is a money making fraud!

How so?

Ask any pro-lifer where aborted babies end up? Go ahead and ask...

They all go to heaven will be the response.

The only down side to being aborted is that you don't get to enjoy life. Instead you go immediately to heaven to enjoy the beatific vision.  This is how the majority of pro-lifers view things.

So if all aborted babies go immediately to heaven then why all the fuss.

Abort a baby make a saint.

If aborted babies go to heaven then what follows is that water baptism is not necessary for salvation - and it is not necessary for anyone!

So that's the little dirty secret that most pro-lifers hold on to so as not to disturb their night sleep - all aborted babies go to heaven - but pro-lifers still need money and what better way to make money than to have people give it to you so you can spend your time standing outside abortion clinics posing for pictures holding hands with those of all faiths singing we shall over come and then going home to send out newsletters asking for money to support your habit. So a pro-lifer who believes in their heart all aborted babies go to heaven better show some righteous indignation against abortion so as to make a living out of protesting abortion.

So please unless you believe that the evil end of abortion is eternal damnation for the aborted soul you are a fraud.

Water baptism is necessary for eternal salvation - especially for the soul that was just aborted.

If life begins at conception then the aborted baby can still be baptised to save its soul from damnation.

Maybe a law should be passed and enforced that all abortionists must perform baptism on the one they just killed. That should be the new strategy to end abortion.

Any abortionists that fails to water baptise an aborted baby should be arrested.

How's that for radicalism?

Now for an upset pro life fraudster:
I Am Overwhelmed by 55 Million Babies Killed Since Roe v. Wadeby Kristan Hawkins | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com What can I say that hasn’t already been said about today? Yesterday evening, I was sitting in my living room working while watching my sons play. I began to think about what my life would have been without them. How different I would be. How their lives have already made this world a different place since they were born. How much I would hurt if I had chosen abortion. Then, I thought of the more than 55,000,000 lives that have been taken in the U.S. since 1973, and I became overwhelmed at the tragedy. Tragedy for the babies, their mothers, their fathers, families, and us. Who is our nation missing? What price is our society paying for the ultimate deceit of abortion? 40 years ago today, seven men on the Supreme Court decided in favor of a case presented to them from a 27 year-old, unknown, post-abortive lawyer, Sarah Weddington. That case was Roe v. Wade and, along with its companion Doe v. Bolton, it legalized abortion in all 9 months of pregnancy, for any reason, in the United States. Today, this 27 year-old is writing to you as a survivor of that decision. The undeniable fact is that nearly a third of my generation is missing. We are missing brothers, sisters, cousins, friends, husbands and wives. You see, Miss Weddington’s generation got it wrong. In attempting to correct gender inequality in the workplace and in our society, they set into motion the ultimate act of discrimination – abortion. Instead of glorifying motherhood, they pitted the mother against her child, creating an endless cycle of selfishness, pain, and deceit. But this generation is determined to set it right. We’ve seen the ultrasounds of our siblings, googled “abortion” and seen the bloody images, and sat with a friend as she cried about her abortion. This youth generation is the most pro-life generation of young people since 1973; we’re even more pro-life than even our parents’ generation. And this week our presence will be known as this generation will be the predominant participants in Wednesday’s March for Life in Washington, D.C. and pro-life rallies across the nation. This week, we will be proudly carrying our “I am the Pro-Life Generation” signs, and Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry will watch their target audience slip away. In fact, we already have. When Nancy Keenan, the former president of NARAL/Pro-Choice America, announced her resignation last year, she cited the lack of young pro-abortion leaders as the reason she wanted to step down. This month’s Time magazine headline story dealt with the same problem, claiming that the pro-abortion movement has been losing since 1973. And last week’s new Planned Parenthood video and talking points on abortion confirm this fact. They don’t want to use the term “pro-choice” anymore because it’s too negatively associated with abortion. You see, they know when abortion is mentioned, their favorability falls. Their goal? Never bring it up. So, what should be our goal? To bring up abortion in every conversation we can – in church, the grocery store, at school, and at the neighborhood party. To never forget about abortion, no matter how busy our lives may get or how sad or immobilized we become by this immense, overwhelming tragedy. Friend, it’s time to rise up. Rise up off of your couch, out of your dorm room, or pew. Rise up and dedicate your life to something bigger than yourself.
Rise up and dedicate your life to something bigger than yourself?  yeah start by acknowledging that water baptism is necessary for salvation and maybe you should pester lawmakers to pass and enforce laws that all aborted babies must be water baptize and baptized in the way the Roman Catholic Church intends:

I baptize you in the name of the Father, 
and of the Son, 
and of the Holy Spirit.

Why Won't You Baptize Me?


  1. "...but pro-lifers need money..."

    Says who? You? You're a laugh. I'm pro-life and I've never asked anyone for money.

    "If life begins at conception then the aborted baby can still be baptised to save its soul from damnation."

    Once its aborted, its already dead. Doesn't baptism traditionally have to take place before you die? And, the fact is, in the womb, the baby is surrounded by water. To talk about baptizing a baby in a womb is a little absurd since they are already surrounded by water.

    1. Dead? When does a soul leave a dead body.......waiting.......waiting........waiting....in the time it takes you to answer that question an aborted baby could have been water baptized and gone straight to heaven....I take it you believe all aborted babies go straight to heaven.... Oh and I say aborted baby needs to be water baptized meaning that the baby is ripped apart in the womb and taken out and piled up in a heap for the trash...at that time the dead baby can be baptize...unless you know when a soul leaves the body of an aborted baby....which you don't know......so its best to baptize with water

  2. I don't think the question of heaven or hell even makes sense here. Nor do I think it has anything to do with abortion becoming more prevalent. The people having abortions don't believe the baby is going to heaven....they don't even believe in God. And if sprinkling some water on an aborted baby's corpse and saying "in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost" is a magic fix to make them go to heaven, how is that really any different from them going to heaven automatically? I mean with respect to convincing people to not have abortions. If the thought process is "My baby will go straight to heaven anyway, so let me kill it" then the same though process applies in your "solution" as well, since now they can think "I can sprinkle my baby's corpse and say the magic words and it will go to heaven, so what's the big deal in killing it?" See!!!!!! Your "solution" solves nothing. And as far as options for what God does with the souls of aborted babies, its as likely that God mercifully allows them to cease to exist as that they go to heaven...certainly they don't go to hell. But those who abort them do go to hell.....and does this deter them? No, because they don't even believe in God, and therefore have no fear of hell.

    1. To buttress my suggestion that God allows the souls of aborted babies to cease to exist consider miscarriage which can occur naturally. Every time a woman miscarries, does that baby go to hell? When miscarriage occurs, the corpse of the baby doesn't necessarily come out, but is absorbed and decomposes in the womb. In other words, you don't have a corpse to baptize. In fact a miscarriage can occur early on without the woman's knowledge. So what then? All those miscarried babies go to hell? Why would God do that? No, I say this is impossible. They didn't even get a chance. So, if they don't go to heaven, they cease to exist.

    2. "And if sprinkling some water on an aborted baby's corpse and saying "in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost" is a magic fix to make them go to heaven" - Its called water baptism and it is necessary for salvation. By your response I take it you are not baptized and therefore are not Roman Catholic. And I understand your objection to have aborted babies baptized - you claim to be pro-life but you have no concern for the salvation of aborted babies - you make my point the pro-life movement has no concern for the salvation of souls but only concerns itself with keeping the moral high road while raking in the cash.

    3. The way you are talking about, it ceases to be baptism in any meaningful way. First, baptism is not administered to the dead. Second, even where infant baptism has traditionally been recognized as valid, its validity has always been tied to the faith of the parents (which generally includes an expectation that they get married before the child is allowed to be baptized). Your idea of baptizing the corpses of every aborted baby amounts to a total redefinition of baptism that is just as bad the redefinition of marriage taking place today.

    4. tell me when the soul leaves the body - hint a good priest will administer the last rites to someone who just died in a car accident. You do not know when a soul leaves the body no one knows. So an aborted baby can be baptized - as for the faith of the parents? it doesn't matter - as long as the abortionist baptism the one he just kill as the church intends then its a valid baptism. but I see your concern - maybe a catholic priest should be made to sit in during abortions and perform the baptism if you don't trust the abortionist to do it right.....but that's a big laugh because the churchmen don;t give a damn about the salvation of the aborted - thanks again for proving my point that the prolife is a money making machine and will not under any circumstances call for laws requiring a priest to be present to perform the baptism - maybe the priest can do it in the next room....

    5. "a good priest will administer the last rites to someone who just died in a car accident."

      Is baptism now a last rite????

      "as for the faith of the parents? it doesn't matter - as long as the abortionist baptism the one he just kill as the church intends then its a valid baptism."

      And what is the need of this contrived "baptism" is you are going to toss out all the normal rule of baptism? If one rule can be suspended, so can two. If the rule requiring the faith of the parents can be suspended, so can the necessity of baptism itself. Don't you see that?

    6. "thanks again for proving my point that the prolife is a money making machine and will not under any circumstances call for laws requiring a priest to be present to perform the baptism - maybe the priest can do it in the next room...."

      So priests should be forced by law to be complicit in abortions? I guess you love Obamacare then.

    7. Complicit? because the priest is in the same room? That's a laugh - how about complicit because one is in the same building when the abortion takes place or how about in the same city block? or the same town? or the same county? or the same state? or in the same nation???? by your own logic the whole nation is complicit in the crime of abortion and because we are all complicit we will all be chastised for it....

    8. "If the rule requiring the faith of the parents can be suspended, so can the necessity of baptism itself. Don't you see that?" - Parents? are you serious!!! What parent aborts her own child? No Parent! The woman lost her right when she enter the abortion clinic! "Hi we're Mr. and Mrs. Jones and we would like to abort our child".....

  3. "All those miscarried babies go to hell? Why would God do that?" - The same reason why God allows you to remain in ignorance - its called original sin. nothing stained with original sin will enter heaven and nothing stain with mortal sin will enter heaven. What's so hard to understand about something so simple? Water Baptism is necessary for salvation and once baptized one needs to be in a state of grace at the point of death and one remains in a state of grace by doing God's will by following the commandments and precepts of the church - again why is that so hard to understand?

    1. Your brain is stained with Calvinist-Augustinian hogwash. Adam's sin has only physical affects, namely death and making it hard to live in this life. Damnation is by our own sin only. As no infant has committed a sin, they cannot be damned....except to death. They are born damned to death, as we all are by original sin....but nobody is born damned to hell.

    2. "but nobody is born damned to hell." Really?? From the lips of God Himself: "but woe to that man by whom the Son of man shall be betrayed: it were better for him, if that man had not been born. Where's Judas now? God knew Judas would be in hell for his crime and yet God allowed him to live for awhile - so if God knew that Judas would for all eternity reside in hell then why did allow Judas to be born in the first place?

    3. Judas has nothing to do with this. Nor is there any proof that Judas was damned from eternity past. Even taking that passage from Acts 2 about a prophecy of the betrayal, it doesn't mention Judas' name. The proper view is that when Jesus was choosing the 12 he chose someone he knew had the character of a betrayer, not that Judas was Calvinistically predestined from all eternity to do this.

      But let me ask you this also, are you SSPV or SSPX?? Because the Roman Catholic church in communion with Rome no longer teaches that unbaptized infants go to hell. The concept of limbo replaced that. And finally even that was watered down to where most recent catechisms speak of hope that unbaptized infants will actually go to heaven rather than limbo....but they clearly reject the view that they go to hell.


    "It is clear that the traditional teaching on this topic has concentrated on the theory of limbo, understood as a state which includes the souls of infants who die subject to original sin and without baptism, and who, therefore, neither merit the beatific vision, nor yet are subjected to any punishment, because they are not guilty of any personal sin. This theory, elaborated by theologians beginning in the Middle Ages, never entered into the dogmatic definitions of the Magisterium, even if that same Magisterium did at times mention the theory in its ordinary teaching up until the Second Vatican Council. It remains therefore a possible theological hypothesis. However, in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992), the theory of limbo is not mentioned. Rather, the Catechism teaches that infants who die without baptism are entrusted by the Church to the mercy of God, as is shown in the specific funeral rite for such children. The principle that God desires the salvation of all people gives rise to the hope that there is a path to salvation for infants who die without baptism (cf. CCC, 1261), and therefore also to the theological desire to find a coherent and logical connection between the diverse affirmations of the Catholic faith: the universal salvific will of God; the unicity of the mediation of Christ; the necessity of baptism for salvation; the universal action of grace in relation to the sacraments; the link between original sin and the deprivation of the beatific vision; the creation of man “in Christ”."

    In other words, either limbo, or go to heaven by God waving the baptism requirement...but certainly not hell because they've committed no personal sin. Learn what the Catholic church actually teaches. Unless you are SSPX/SSPV......

    1. really? So never seeing God is not hell? It's just limbo! That's a comfort! One thing you fail to mention is at the end of days there will be no limbo! so where do aborted babies who are in "limbo" go at the end of days? huh? you got two choices either hell or heaven! which brings us back to the prolife movement claiming that all aborted babies go to heaven!

    2. You assume a Platonistic stance of ontologial immortality for the human soul, that by nature the human soul is indestructable and immortal. Yet Scripture says concerning Jesus "Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen." (1 Tim 6:16) Our souls are only immortal to the extent that God wills it. That is, we only have conditional immortality. Platonic thought on the ontological immortality of the soul is incorrect. And again, we come back to the fact that whether you claim babies go to heaven, hell, or neither, none of these positions will deter atheists and functional atheists from committing abortions.

    3. And rather than attacking the pro-life movement which is actually doing some good, your time would be better spent attacking the heresy of a heretical pope who says in Evangelii Gaudiam (speaking of adults, not infants):

      "254. Non-Christians, by God’s gracious initiative, when they are faithful to their own consciences, can live 'justified by the grace of God'..."

      And who said in TV interviews that "everyone is redeemed, everyone, including atheists."

      Why quibble over your corpse baptizing theories when you have an outright universalist heretic occupying the papacy?


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