New Mass Goer Simcha Fisher Has Miscarriage - Was Baby Baptize? Or Did Simcha Refuse To Baptize Because Baby Guaranteed Salvation Without Water Baptism?
On the subject of baptising babies of unwed mothers let's start with Simcha's nasty comments directed at those who attend the Latin Mass:
Posted by Simcha Fisher on Thursday, Mar 14, 2013 10:48 AM (EST): Just to be clear, let me spell this out a little: THe Pharisees, and people who refuse baptism to babies whose mothers are not married but who want to raise their children Catholic, are saying, “You have sinned, and therefore you cannot be saved.” Christ, and priests who refuse to give Communion to pro-choice politicians, are saying, “You ARE sinning. Stop it, so that you can be saved.” See the difference?So the people who refuse to baptize babies of unwed mothers are Pharisees......OK.....are those people who refuse to baptize babies that are miscarried also Pharisees?
After all according to new mass going prolifers a baby should never be aborted no matter how old it is. This is why contraception is immoral. We are told over and over again that life begins at conception. If so, even a baby who is the size of a blueberry and is unfortunately miscarried should be water baptized again its not the physical size but the fact that the baby has a soul.
So if Simcha Fisher had her baby baptised - good.
Now in her own words:
Grief, hope, exhaustion, prayer request December 31, 2013 By Simcha Fisher I wasn’t sure whether to make this public or not, but what the heck. I know you guys are wonderful pray-ers, so if you could spare a quick Hail Mary or a “Jesus, help us” prayer, I would be grateful! Yesterday, I was halfway through a post announcing that I am pregnant with a very much desired baby #10. Then I started bleeding steadily all day yesterday. Today, I have just about stopped bleeding. I went to the lab yesterday, so they could test HCG levels. They will do another test Wednesday afternoon, and I will get the results in the evening. So, unless things take a terrible turn in the mean time, I will not know whether it’s reasonable to have hope for this baby or not. It may not be reasonable to hope. Up and down, up and down. I have never had a miscarriage before. I know that’s practically a miracle. We’ve had complications, but God has given us nine mostly healthy children with no losses. I know that He has given us this baby, too. Baby is the size of a blueberry, and is starting to sprout fingers and toes. Or he should be. Anyway, he is real, and I haven’t said goodbye yet. I am keeping up hope because I would rather grieve a baby than not know how to feel, if I find out he is dead. I am not trying to figure out how to feel, and I am not beating myself up over feeling the wrong things, or for forgetting for a moment what’s happening. It’s just up and down, up and down. My husband is working from home, and he will be home tomorrow. I am just keeping busy and staying warm, and am happy to be with my family.So the baby was born "live"
Baby is the size of a blueberry, and is starting to sprout fingers and toes. Or he should be. Anyway, he is real, and I haven’t said goodbye yet. I am keeping up hope because I would rather grieve a baby than not know how to feel, if I find out he is dead.The baby lived for about 1 day:
All done January 1, 2014 By Simcha Fisher Baby has come and gone. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your prayers and kind words. They helped so much through all the waiting. God bless youNow, I'm lazy and I don't like to do a lot of reading -especially combox comments. So I like using Control F to find what I'm looking for. For instance I would like to know if Simcha Fisher had her baby baptized so I controlled f & typed the word "Baptize" and wouldn't you know not one combox commentor mentioned the word baptize in either post. But when I did the search for heaven this is what I got:
CT Catholic Corner • 15 days ago − ((((((((((((((Simcha))))))))))))))) you will have a precious little one awaiting you in Heaven one day. Until then, the Mother of God will hold your child in her arms as she did Jesus. My prayers are with you and your family.
dkpak • 14 days ago − I'm so sorry, Simcha. Every life is a precious gift from God. This darling will be waiting for you in heaven, small consolation as that is now... I pray healing and peace for you and your family. God bless you.
Eileen • 15 days ago − I'm so sorry. I will pray for you and your family. I believe you will one day reunite with your little one in Heaven.Now granted that's only three of the combox comments that believe that the baby went straight to heaven with out water baptism. If Simcha took a poll let's say:
Is my baby in heaven?The majority of her followers would say yes.
So I'm guessing that Simcha didn't have her baby baptized.
Which would mean that Simcha refused to baptize her own baby!
Which would mean (using her standards of what a Pharisee is) that Simcha is her own Pharisee.
Just sayin'
What an utterly callous and cruel article. Instead of intruding on someone's personal pain, why not actually engage with the points she made? Your revolting enthusiasm to use a tragedy like this suggests to me that you couldn't care less about the unborn or a child's salvation.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Anonymous. This is disgusting.