Actor Robin Williams Dead By Means Of Autoerotic Asphyxiation (AEA)! "It Was A Hollywood Thing"

Death By Means Of Autoerotic Asphyxiation?

On August 11, 2014, at approximately 11:55 a.m, Marin County Communications received a 9-1-1 telephone call reporting a male adult had been located unconscious and not breathing inside his residence in unincorporated Tiburon, CA. The Sheriff’s Office, as well as the Tiburon Fire Department and Southern Marin Fire Protection District were dispatched to the incident with emergency personnel arriving on scene at 12:00 pm. The male subject, pronounced deceased at 12:02 pm has been identified as Robin McLaurin Williams, a 63-year-old resident of unincorporated Tiburon, CA.

An investigation into the cause, manner, and circumstances of the death is currently underway by the Investigations and Coroner Divisions of the Sheriff’s Office. Preliminary information developed during the investigation indicates Mr. Williams was last seen alive at his residence, where he resides with his wife, at approximately 10:00 pm on August 10, 2014. Mr. Williams was located this morning shortly before the 9-1-1 call was placed to Marin County Communications. At this time, the Sheriff’s Office Coroner Division suspects the death to be a suicide due to asphyxia, but a comprehensive investigation must be completed before a final determination is made. A forensic examination is currently scheduled for August 12, 2014 with subsequent toxicology testing to be conducted.

In the 2009 movie World’s Greatest Dad,starting Robin Williams:

When his son dies in the throes of autoerotic asphyxiation (AEA), dad (Robin Williams) makes it look like a suicide and proceeds to use it to launch his own writing career.

Other Hollywood types who died from autoerotic asphyxiation - the first is the arch-heretic Martin Luther:

Heretic Martin Luther and ex-nun wife Catherine Bore

'Look how the stars shine for us!' ~ Catherine Bore

'No, the stars do not shine for us because we both left our convents'  ~ Martin Luther

The first famous case of death by autoerotic asphyxiation (AEA) was arch-heretic Martin Luther. I read a contemporaneous account of Martin Luther's death that was written in the late 1500's just a few years after his death.

Martin Luther died in Eisleben, Saxony on February 18, 1546. This account of Martin Luther’s death can be found in the series of volumes reprinted by Scolar Press in the early to late 1970's on English Recusant Literature 1558-1640.

The English Recusant Literature are books written by English Roman Catholics who were exiled from England during the Protestant revolt against God. These books mainly defend the True Faith but also touch on politics and history. This English Recusant account of Martin Luther's death tells of the way in which he died, which was by strangulation.

The account said that:

'one of Martin Luther's nun wives murdered him by strangling Martin Luther with the bed sheets tied to the bed post'

This account I think can be found in Luther’s life, 1624, by John Brereley but I am uncertain if this was the actual volume, it has been awhile since I read the work.

What is interesting is that in the Slate article, mention is made of the fact that in the act of AEA more than one person is usually involved: "in the act of AEA usually a woman does the strangling" So it is possible that Martin Luther died by the means of AEA with the help of his nun wife. qualis vita, finis ita (as a man lives, so shall he die).

In the year 2017 many will celebrate the 500th year anniversary of the protestant revolution, some demented Roman Catholics will even call for the canonization of the heretic Martin Luther.

Hopefully my little comment on the possible cause of death of Martin Luther by means of Autoerotic Asphyxiation (AEA) will take hold on the imaginations of a few historians and these men will look further into the details of his death and so may my post help to hinder and prevent such madness as calling for the canonization of this perverted mad-man.

The second famous case of death by means of autoerotic asphyxiation is INXS singer Michael Hutchence.

 INXS singer Michael Hutchence
Death By Autoerotic Asphyxiation

The details of Hutchence death are similar to actor Robin Williams. Both men were extremely depressed. Hutchence's last words to a lady friend on voice mail were "Marth, Michael here. I've fucking had enough".

On 2 November 1997, Hutchence was found dead in Room 524 at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Double Bay, Sydney, Australia.

Hutchence's body was discovered by a hotel maid at 11:50 am. Police reported that, "He was in a kneeling position facing the door. He had used his snake skin belt to tie a knot on the automatic door closure at the top of the door, and had strained his head forward into the loop so hard that the buckle had broken". Source Wikipedia.

The police ruled it a suicide, most likelydeath by autoerotic asphyxiation (AEA).  Both men hung themselves on the door. Carridine hung himself in a closet.

Third famous case is of course & the most notable and recent case being movie actor David Carradine:

David Carradine
Death By Autoerotic Asphyxiation

The death of movie actor David Carradine by means of autoerotic asphyxiation (AEA) brings to mind other famous people who died the same way.

There was an article on Slate about  the death of David Carradine back in 2009 the article gave a list of the first recorded case of death by autoerotic asphyxiation (AEA).

And that honor goes to Frantisek Kotzwara 'a famous composer from Prague who died in 1791'

Another case mentioned is Vaughn Bodé an underground cartoonist who was asphyxiated to death in 1975.

Stephen Milligan, who was a member of British Parliament, died in 1994 by means of AEA.

Certainly no need to celebrate a man who had as many wives as David Carradine and may have died in the same manner (AEA). One of David Carradine’s four wives commenting on his abhorrent and deviant sexual behavior had this to say :

'what he was doing was simply fun and relaxing for him.' - Gail Jensen

Both of these men Martin Luther & David Carradine were immoral degenerates….
'It was a Hollywood thing' Gail Jensen

More from World's Greatest Dad:

In World’s Greatest Dad, a 2009 black comedy written and directed by Bobcat Goldthwait and starring Robin Williams, Daryl Sabara, and Alexie Gilmore, Lance Clayton (Robin Williams) discovers in horror that his son Kyle (Sabara) has accidentally strangled himself in an autoerotic asphyxiation accident in his bedroom, looking at a picture of Claire (Gilmore)’s underwear. To avoid embarrassing his son and himself, the Williams character stages his son’s death as an intentional suicide. Jewish Business Read More>>>>

Will police announce that actor Robin Williams just hung himself? or will his death be ruled a death by means of AEA?


  1. Farewell Mr Robin Williams
    i just Watched your 5 most memorable Roles but the most memorable for me is Peter Pan and Jumanji

    1. RIP Robin Williams....
      This article is a sad attempt to draw attention to the writers weird belief and twisted interpretation of the Jewish book of fairy tales. It is sad when someone feels the need to use a death to promote anything... much less something else which is dieing ; religion/ Catholicism. As pointed out by others in this thread the writer seems overly insightful about autoerotic asphyxiation (AEA). His writing leads me and others to believe he/she is in need of oxygen.

    2. It seems interesting listening to an article about his alleged suicide. How a towel was placed over his neck. I guess to prevent ligature marks and that he only cut his left wrist and not the right. His wife last saw him at 10 p.m. and he was not checked on again until noon at lunchtime. What type of woman doesn't check on her man from bedtime until lunchtime and I believe it was his assistant who found him locked in his bedroom?! The coroner asked her (wife) about autoeroticism and she didn't comment on him doing that. His incident sounds like a murder. Just like Amy Winehouse where neighbors complained about people making animal noises from the house the night of her death. Keith Ledger was found by the housekeeper and she did not call 911 but called one of the Olsen Twins and she sent people over to take things out of his residence. Sounds like evidence tampering! Whitney Houston died in the hotel and Clive Davis told the coroner to keep her body in the room while he had a celebrity party downstair. Who is Clive Davis that he can make such a request?!

  2. This is a particularly disgusting article. What on earth are you thinking to publish such tripe when the manner of death is not even determined yet?

    1. Thank you! It's clear people could give a s@# these days about ANY honor or respect for a HUMAN BEING that just died from severe depression!

    2. Gotta love the internet

    3. You are an uninformed,judgemental,presumptuous louse. How dare you!

    4. Some people would be happier if it turned out to be an accident as it means he wasn't so depressed as to want to kill himself. Let them believe whatever makes them feel better.

    5. have you ever heard of anyone hanging themselves in a closet with a belt when they could have chosen other means? no, the only people you hear about dying from hanging themselves by the closet with a belt are auto-asphyxiation types. so how is this article so far fetched?

    6. auto-asphyxiation is the ONLY real answer to Robin Williams death. Think about it, it's NOT money he just signed on to four projects, He has a 30 Million dollar house up for sale, he would never ever do that to his daughter. It was a plain and simple accident. Auto-asphyxiation, is HUGE and kids are doing it and dying like flies, try reading a little. Robin was ALWAYS looking for the next high, and if you can't / won't drink or do drugs...what else is left?

    7. Why does this sound like the same person again and again? So quick and persuasive.....

    8. What is worse, abandoning your children, family and loved ones by suicide or accidentally offing yourself while trying to have some fun?

    9. Yes I have a close friend that did exactly that. Just because you personally don't know someone that did that doesn't mean that thousands of people don't do it every year (they do).

    10. belt around the nek and one around the cock. so catholik

  3. This posting is pure filth, larded with ideas and assertions that no decent Catholic -- no decent Christian of any stripe -- would ever embrace. There is not a single mote of the charity and forgiveness of Jesus here, but there is a full serving of satanistic delight in the suffering of others -- a delight you so desperately yearn to feed that it leads you to defame a kind and beloved man.

    1. well said...THANK U!

    2. well said. it's an uninformed, ignorant, speculative and sensationalist piece that was written by someone who seems to have little understanding of even the subjects of autoerotic asphyxiation and common decency. To say it is larded though, is an insult to pigs.

    3. have you ever heard of anyone hanging themselves in a closet with a belt when they could have chosen other means? no, the only people you hear about dying from hanging themselves by the closet with a belt are auto-asphyxiation types. so how is this article so far fetched?

    4. hey cupcake Williams just killed himself and went straight to hell either it was deliberate suicide or playtime (just like in his 2009 movie) went terribly wrong. Where's Williams' charity to himself? Remember - you can sin against charity against three persons: God, your neighbor or yourself......killing one self is a sin against charity to ones self and because Williams killed himself either by accident of deliberately its still a sin

    5. Williams brought joy to millions of people and supported many charities and started charities himself. He was a good man. If you think he "sinned" because he had depression and committed suicide but you are a good person for bashing a good hearted man after his death then your and your "god" area assholes.

    6. Really? So if you trip and fall down some steps and die by accident it's a sin? The logic
      here is brilliant. Archaic type non-sense by people who can't think of an original thought and believe
      anything they read, hear, etc...

    7. Who considers hanging themselves in a seated position? I think it's a fair assumption that the author makes. Such is the human condition - yes, it's wicked to do such things, but the author is not wicked for reaching this conclusion.

  4. This author's article makes southern baptist church guy seem nice

  5. Absolutely disgusting article. The man has not been dead a day. A little respect would go a long way

    1. Thank you. I totally agree. Trash.

    2. Then, why the hell were you reading it? I googled Williams and autoerotica, and ended up here. So I know I was curious about it? Why were you???

    3. ???? respect for a guy who just killed himself?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. respect for a guy that brought joy to millions of lives, entertained our troops in war times, supported the church, raised money for and started his own charities to serve the ill and children? Who would respect someone like that? Maybe... Jesus??? What charities have you started DXV?

  6. How dare you make an allegation that Robin Williams died of AEA! Have some respect and common courtesy. There should be a petition for you take this disgusting article down.

    1. Agreed! Why would somehing like this be posted? Saddest thing is, when I googled Robin Williams deid.. this was the first thing to pop up on google... ???
      Not cool.

    2. have you ever heard of anyone hanging themselves in a closet with a belt when they could have chosen other means? no, the only people you hear about dying from hanging themselves by the closet with a belt are auto-asphyxiation types. so how is this article so far fetched?

    3. are you nuts serious? I should have respect for a guy who just killed himself? maybe we should turn Robin Williams into a saint? I'll send Pope Francis a tweet asking for the immediate canonization of said saint Robin.....

    4. Dxv515 everyone on here knows you are trash. Respect is earned by living a kind life and bringing joy to others. By judging such a kind soul internationally known as a genuinely saintly man you show the absoluteworst part of religion. There is more to spirituality than rules. Learn to be kind and don't look down on someone who breaks YOUR "rules". The pope would honour Williams and scold you.

    5. If you focused on how people lived and not how they died you would be a better christian youself. Jesus is ashamed of you.

    6. brian.... really you open this comment by calling someone trash? then go on to condemn his judgemental attitude towards people. really? maybe should reevaluate your perspective and actions before judging others.

    7. And who are you to speak for our Lord Jesus Christ. Arrogant and blind to your own behavior. Maybe pride is blinding you? I don't know, but you should probably take this to confession and probably counceling

    8. If only he had given birth to Christ, then Rome could give him the Mary treatment:

      "the most Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instance of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege granted by Almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the human race, was preserved free from all stain of original sin."

      Maybe the Pope will just turn back time with a dogmatic declaration that Robin Williams' suicide was done without sin (thus making it true).

    9. It would have been less of a sin and terrible thing had it been the gratification thing. That is not satanic just stupid and dangerous. You would rather he be in mental torture trying to cut his wrists then resorting to hanging? That is preferable???

    10. dxv515 - are YOU serious? You are promoting a group which is up to it's eye balls in child sexual abuse scandalS.... yet you attempt to smear the name of a good man?!? Here is one for you - John 8:7

  7. Michael Hutchence commited suicide. He left two hours worth of messages on his lawyers machine (when tapes were used) saying that he indeed intended to take his own life. His wife had left him and there was a custody battle for his daughter. His ex wife has since confessed to leading people in the EAE direction.
    a little investigating on-line and anyone can find this information out.

    R.I.P. RW

  8. It could've been that he choked on vomit. He was known to be depressed and dealing with alcohol and cocaine addiction.

  9. I think people who announce their intentions (i.e. Hutchence) want someone to come help them. Otherwise, go quietly. Too bad Robin wasn't a Christian. He would have had the faith to persevere.

    1. He was a Christian and was very active in the church. Depression is a disease. There are discrete neurological changes that happen in basal ganglia that result in depression. Would someone who dies from cancer or a heart attack have survived if they were Christian? Of course not. Believing in some random abstract idea is not going to cure you of a disease. It sounds like you are a Christian and at the same time are hurtfully judgmental of people you view as different than yourself (even though he was an active Christian). That goes to show that religion does not make someone a good or bad person, and does not make a disease any more manageable.

  10. Coming from some one who's god was weak enough to walk himself to a plank of wood and let people nail him to it...

  11. I feel sorry for you dxv. What an awful weight it must be to be so fearful and hateful.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. He slit his wrists and hung himself...doesn't sound erotic to me.

    1. He was, in fact, not fully clothed. This was clarified during the press conference by officer, saying:

      "what I said was 'clothed', I did not say 'fully clothed'..."

      He was found hanging in a sitting position, not on a chair, but just above the floor. This was clarified during the press conference, by officer saying:

      "he was not in a chair. He was suspended, as I indicated, from the belt which was wedged between the door and the doorframe, in a seated position, slightly suspended off the ground."

      I find it hard to believe someone who is trying to kill themselves will put a belt in the side of a closed, closet door, just low enough that they are suspended in a sitting position above the floor, and find this would be an intentional suicide. His feet would have easily been on the floor in fact in this position. It clearly sounds like a case of accidental asphyxiation. Who cares what he liked to do.

      I think it is doing him an injustice to say his death was intentionally self-inflicted when it could have simply been an accident. Not to mention the guilt it lays on the lives of those around him who 'should have seen it' or 'could have interceded or prevented the suicide'. If it was simply an accident, it changes everything. Watch the entire press conference including Q&A if you want to hear the facts.

    2. We can only wish that it was the auto erotic thing. Tragic, but not anything like the anger and grief of intended suicide. That would be far less of a stigma than suicide. It is therefore hopeful that it msy have been that instead of pathological suicidal tendencies. He never had attempted suicide before, to my knowledge. Most who succeed at it have a history of trying. If it was the sex thing, he would want us to have a laugh.

    3. With the additional information about Mr. Williams Dx of parkinson's it is painfully clear he committed suicide.

    4. @ Keith, I agree with your comments above.

      "If it was the sex thing, he would want us to have a laugh."

      So true, he is probably making up jokes about it right now. :)

  14. To the 'author' who penned this exercise in hatred... There is flagellation still practised in one particular organisation from almost it's inception 2000 odd years ago.
    The Lord Rebuke You.

  15. An den abschließenden Verhandlungen am 17. Februar hatte Luther schon nicht mehr teilgenommen, da er sich nicht wohl fühlte. Aus seiner Kammer sei neben Gebeten der Ruf zu hören gewesen: "Doktor Jonas und Herr Michael (Coelius), ich bin hier zu Eisleben geboren und getauft, wie wenn ich hierbleiben sollte?" Das Abendessen, wie gewöhnlich um 20 Uhr, nahm er jedoch wieder im Kreise seiner Begleiter ein. Dabei erlitt er einen Anfall von Angina pectoris. Trotz Beschwerden habe er gut gegessen und sei fröhlich gewesen. Dann ging er in seine Stube, um wie gewöhnlich am Fenster zu beten. Daraufhin schlief Luther eine Stunde auf einem Sofa. Gegen 22.30 Uhr begab er sich in die Schlafkammer ins Bett und befahl seine Seele Gott mit den häufig von Sterbenden gesprochenen Worten Ps 31,6 ("In deine Hände befehle ich meinen Geist; du hast mich erlöset, Herr, du treuer Gott."). Gegen 23 Uhr ist er eingeschlafen. Um 1 Uhr am 18. Februar erwachte Luther unter einem neuen Schmerzanfall. Nun rechnete er nüchtern mit seinem baldigen Tode. Er wechselte erneut auf das Ruhebett in der Stube. Warme Tücher sollten seine Schmerzen lindern. Geholt wurden der Hauswirt, Stadtschreiber Johann Albrecht und seine Frau, die beiden Ärzte der Stadt sowie Graf Albrecht mit seiner arzneikundigen Frau Anna. Schmerzen und Angst, verbunden mit einem Schweißausbruch, den Luther als Vorboten des Todes deutete, hielten an. Nach einem Dank an Gott für die Offenbarung Christi und der Bitte, nun seine Seele zu sich zu nehmen, wiederholte er noch dreimal Ps 31,6, worauf er schwieg. Dann sank er zusammen, als wollte er sterben, und antwortete nicht mehr. Aber als die Gräfin Anna durch Einreibungen mit Rosenöl und Aquavit half, regte sich wieder Leben. Jonas und Coelius fragten ihn schließlich nochmals, ob er auf Christi Namen sterben und dessen Lehre bekennen wolle. Luther antwortete mit einem schlichten "Ja". Darauf schlief er wieder ein. Das Gesicht wurde bleich, Füße und Nase erkalteten. 2.45 Uhr verschied er mit einem letzten hörbaren Atemzuge, ganz in Frieden.

  16. I believe the 6th Commandment reads: Thou shall not bare false witness.

  17. Martin Luther, the German monk was born 10 Nov 1483 and died 18th February,1546 at 62years old.

    Luther had been suffering from ill health for years, including constipation, hemorrhoids, Ménière's disease (vertigo, fainting, and tinnitus), and a cataract in one eye.
    From 1531–1546, his health deteriorated further.
    In 1536, he began to suffer from kidney and bladder stones, and arthritis, and an ear infection ruptured an ear drum.
    In December 1544, he began to feel the effects of angina.
    (The guy was a mess!)
    An apoplectic stroke deprived him of his speech.

    He died ii the presence of friends at 2:45 a.m., 18 February, 1546, Eisleben, the city of his birth.
    He was buried on the 22nd February, in the Castle Church in Wittenberg, beneath the pulpit.

    1. Protestants lie to you about God & they will certainly lie to you about the death of arch-heretic Martin Luther all to give a good appearance

  18. lol did a google search to see if this could have been related to AEA... I appreciate the irony that the first hit for this was for a Catholic blog

    This is a very sad thing, and to be fair potentially very embarrassing. The only thing we know for sure at this point is how the Roman Catholic Imperialist would like to imagine this went down. And I'm sure they're imagining it very vividly...

    1. ah...yes sin is very embarrassing isn't often do you go to confession? know to confess your embarrassing sins...oh I get, you never sin, because you don't believe in sin. original, mortal or venal let alone think about the the effects of embarrassing sin and the offense you give to God and to your neighbor and to society and to your family & to your self... what? too embarrassed to go to confession? Please... either become a Roman Catholic or if you already are go to confession and stop embarrassing God neighbor and yourself

      And good night Anonymous you've posting way too many comments today give someone else a chance....

    2. Dxv it is so sad that people like you exist. If you knew what it was to be a Christian, being kind to others, not judging, carrying for the most unfortunate, then the world would be better. But when people do not understand what Jesus stood for and carry around a scorecard to try to earn points to get to heaven by hating the right people they lead to do much of the agony this works holds. God loved Williams because he was kind, and is embarrassed at you for being so wrong about life.

    3. dxv515 - your belief in jesus-claus is what is embarrassing. Your attacks on a dead man to draw attention to yourself are akin to a childish temper tantrum. If your ideas made sense you would not need to draw attention to them by flinging feces.

    4. I agree - dxv515 is in need of oxygen.

    5. dxv515 - sounds like the Anonymous poster was hitting too close to home...

      dxv515 said," Please... either become a Roman Catholic or if you already are go to confession"

      Given the rampant sexual abuse scandals that plague the Catholic church I wouldn't suggest going anywhere near one of those buildings with phallic symbols on the roof.

      As far as embarrassing oneself... you have done a stellar job of that!

    6. Those aren't phallic symbols, those are swords. They raped north America, central America, south America, Australia, Europe, most of Africa, and parts of Asia. But if those others had invented the gun first, they'd probably have tried to do the same.

  19. really? is this the advice you would have given Robin Williams? killing yourself solves all problems? Wow Anonymous you sure do have a lot of time to make all these anonymous comments...thanks anyways for visiting my site you're the only one that ever comments on my site... you are my only friend ...have a nice day...

  20. This guy is spot on!

  21. That is also not nice. DXV, the author and the sole antagonist, simply has a warped view of christianity. He is the one that needs to be saved. Sinning has nothing to do with following the "rules" and everything to do with bringing joy to people. Williams brought joy to millions and will raise hell in Heaven with Jesus and DXV will be stuck in purg wondering who he should have hated to get his way to heaven. Don't let bad people like this let you wish ill upon others.

  22. The difference is that Williams was good, and you are a douche.

  23. You guys DXV is the author. He is trying to single handedly bring hatred into the world. Do not let him troll you into being bad to others. He has his own demons to battle. I do not wish him ill, but I wish that he finds Jesus. And that does not mean going to church. It means being kind to others, you know, like Jesus.

  24. I'm gonna be 60 in 2 months. I think Robin Williams went the way of david carridine and l'wren scott, the girlfriend of mick jagger, while trying to achieve an orgasm. --- when you think about it, we're all terminal, and an occasional orgasm takes our minds off the futility of existence.
    The writes I read demonstrate a good healthy range of thinking, as stupid as many of them were.

  25. I wonder, I do wonder, and that, my friend, is how I found you.
    I will miss Genie..I will.

  26. DXV you have to realize that you are an ambassador of your faith. When you write things like this it non-christians view it as an opinion held by all in the faith. I can see from the responses that no one agrees with you and that is reassuring, but you have to understand that when you represent Chirstianity as a vehicle for hatred and oppression, as an outspoken minority have since the time of Christ, non-christians understandably develop a vitriolic view of the religion. As an Atheist I am fortunate to know many good hearted Christians so I know that they are not all like you. However if I did not know them it would only make sense that I would assume that all Christians share your belief and are full of disdain and hatred for other humans. To the others on here, I see that you do not all feel this way and that is comforting. What ever your belief lets all just love each other and have respect for our neighbors, even in death.

  27. It's obvious to me his hanging was an accident.

  28. Honestly its what I think happened. And everyone is blowing it up as this whole depression thing. Yeah, he was depressed, but theirs no suicide note, no last call or reaching out. I bet they'll find drugs in his system as well. Said he was trying to avoid a relapse. Regardless of cause, its a damn fuckin shame that he's dead, and I'll always remember him for his life and not his death

  29. Pm. You sound like a horrible Christian please re-examine your attitude. You and others like you are what drive people from Christ. Your words represent our faith. Please think about that before you press publish

  30. Well, I am going to have to agree with this article.

    It was just released that Robin Williams was found with his back to the closet door and just slightly suspended from the ground. It sounds almost just like how INXS singer Michael Hutchence died.

    In an interview regarding the movie, "World's Greatest Dad", Robin Williams himself said that, "suicide was a misguided solution to temporary problems".

    While I believe that Robin Williams suffered from depression, I do not believe he committed suicide. I believe he died from a tragic accident.

    I think it is a shame that this was covered up by his personal assistant. Robin Williams was a good and honest man. I am quite sure that Robin Williams would want the truth out there to warn other people that you can accidently die from this activity.

  31. Christians are a dime a dozen. There was only one Robin Williams.

  32. Somebody mentioned the possibility of him cutting himself bloody as a cover in case he was discovered dead. Then there would be other scars from other occasions. Unless this was his first time. Or at least first time using that as a cover. All in all, I would rather think of that rather than a man driven to actually kill himself, which is what probably happened. He could see the cycle of wives abandoning him for great wealth, and foresaw the circumstances happening again. All as he tries do dig up cash flow with sequels he dreads. Belushi died upset that Paramount Pictures wanted to put him in diapers in Joy of Sex. He was dead pretty quick.

  33. What does the Bible say about choking, while choking chicken? Is that as bad as meaning to stamp your own ticket?

  34. I'm not a Roman Catholic, in fact, I'm an atheist. I'm also what the author of this article would call a "moral degenerate" (and proud of it!). I've also followed Williams career since its early beginnings.

    The one thing that made Robin Williams such a great performer and entertainer was his willingness to "push the envelope". He was always out there on the edge, testing boundaries, and experimenting. Is it heresy to think that this was carried over into his personal life?

    When I heard that Williams had committed suicide, the first thing I thought to myself was, if he had "hung" himself, it probably wasn't suicide - it was autoerotic asphyxiation. He fit the "type" to a T.

    What about the slashes on the wrists? They could have been done by whoever found him as a way to make it look like a suicide. People close to Williams probably knew (or at least suspected) his aberrant sexual behavior.

    At any rate, we will probably never know the truth. The media today is not so much a source of unbiased information as it is a propaganda source for monied elite in this country. The real investigative journalism is being done, however crudely, by blogs like this.

  35. Robin Williams wrists were cut. That seems an odd way to start a masterbation session...

    Believers in the adult version of Santa Claus (religion) are prone to false belief and judgment of others, the article is a prime example.

  36. Robin Williams wrists were cut. That seems an odd way to start a masterbation session...

    Believers in the adult version of Santa Claus (religion) are prone to false belief and judgment of others, the article is a prime example.

  37. On details (dot) com there is an article that states, "According to an FBI estimate, between 500 and 1,000 Americans die from AeA every year—a range that's comparable to the number of homicides in New York City in 2008—and the majority of them are men."

    What is interesting is that the police told the father that his son had committed suicide because they wanted to spare him from the truth. It wasn't until the father found information on his son's computer about AeA that he realized how his son had actually died.

    Anybody could have slashed "one" of his wrists to attempt to make it look like a suicide attempt.

    1. They can tell if a wound is post mortem....

    2. Anonymous wrote:
      "What is interesting is that the police told the father that his son had committed suicide because they wanted to spare him from the truth. It wasn't until the father found information on his son's computer about AeA that he realized how his son had actually died".

      I believe you are confusing the plot of a movie which Robin Williams was in with the reality of his death. Robin Williams body was found by his personal assistant. Mr. Williams father is dead.

    3. I was talking about was the article on details (dot) com entitled "The Orgasm to die for?". I meant to put that title in my original post. I wasn't talking about the Robin Williams movie.

      In the article entitled "The Orgasm to die for?", the Police told the father that his son had died from suicide rather than AeA to spare him from the truth.

      The point of my post was the fact that the Police will sometimes cover up the real cause of death.

    4. Sorry- I misunderstood you. I see what you are saying. Hopefully police don't do that on a regular basis. I would hope most people want and get the truth.

    5. Thanks Doug.

      Yeah, I just keep thinking that he did not mean to actually kill himself. I really feel that while he did indeed suffer from depression that he actually died from AeA.

      Of course while it is sad no matter how he died and I am not judging him, it should be made public as a warning to the rest of us that people can and do die from this activity.

      If in fact he did die from AeA, I hope the truth will come out and a campaign is started to bring awareness to the risks involved rather than the, "Seek Help For Depression Warnings " we are hearing on tv right now. While those warnings are always important if someone is suffering from depression, they just feel a little misguided to me in this situation.

    6. oh, and not to cause further confusion, by "he", I did mean Robin Williams this time

  38. Open your mind. We don't know what happened for sure. But the possibilility is there.

  39. A wonderful article. It highlights how much you need God in your life. Williams had cut marks on his wrist which had nothing to do with suicide; it is a common feature in AEA. The reason the media/police/coroner do not like to report this behavior, as they do not want others, especially the young, to experiment with it knowing the potential consequences. RIP, Robin; I hope you find the all-merciful God.

    1. "Williams had cut marks on his wrist which had nothing to do with suicide; it is a common feature in AEA".

      Really? Very interesting. Why is that a common feature?

    2. A common feature of religious zealots is they making things up...

    3. I just found this article on SFGate (dot) com, entitled, "Bill Killed / Violet Blue: The passing of David Carradine and the controversy of risk-aware kink".

      In that article the author states, "Since then it's been a circus of morbidity; photos of Carradine's body have been leaked to the Internet, an autopsy photo and crime scene pics are making the rounds. I've seen them: he got a Y-incision for the autopsy, the left wrist is lacerated but not the right --".

      I wish a Gasper would post here and explain this to us.

  40. Most of the " Christian" people who commented on here are confused & oblivious to God's love for us. If depression is a sickness or disease,(AND IT IS!) and God forbid, one takes his or her own life by suicide because of depression, why would God send you to hell for being sick? Fine, you can debate that all day long, but what is not debatable is the FACT that Jesus Christ was crucified, died, was buried and arose from the dead 3 days later. Does anyone know what that means? It means he paid the ultimate price for ALL of mankinds sins, past, present, and future. Where does it say Christ paid with his life for certain sins and other sins will not be covered. It wasn't a cell phone plan contract with restrictions. A sin is a sin. This article simply points out a plausible explanation for his death. He made a questionable decision that resulted in his accidental death. Embarrassment does not come to mind even if this is 100% true. What it reminds me of is in fact, he was human with flaws, just like each and everyone of us including myself. Great article. God bless you all.

  41. Your version of Catholicism makes me sad. You are a sad angry person.

  42. Well hopefully if this article has benefited anyone it is that it has shown dxv515 (the person who wrote the article and the person that all of the hate is rightfully directed towards) that he/she is a disgusting hateful unfortunate individual that is making his/her whole religion look ignorant and hateful. I am not a Christian but I have enough Christian friends to know that this person is far outside of what good Christians believe and is looked down upon by those good and righteous people. However when filth like this is published on a Christian website and presented as Christian belief it would be totally understandable for someone who does not know many Christians to think that this is how they think. If you have never met a Christian and saw the Westboro Baptist people you would think all Christians are terrible. This article is doing the same thing. You have brought great shame and disgrace to a religion based on acceptance and love for all men. Shame on you.

  43. Your God-Speaking Popes were mostly once Pedophile priests. Homeless people starving outside the Walls of the Vatican, while these cone-hat hypocrites drink from golden, bejelwed chalices. Having been born a Roman Catholic with 8 years of being schooled by repressed Psycho-Bitch nuns; I firmly believe that the True Christ would smite these Imposters and Simian pretenters as he did the money-exchangers at the Jewish temple of his day. Whether R. Williams died from AEA is of little consequence. More people have died For the Cross, then On it. I remain an agnostic due to my ubringing in the serously Flawed religion. Praise Jesus, the Teacher, but damn this inane and insane Man-Made Church ~Occulter

  44. this is a catholic thing that the christian brothers taught us at school. the belt around the neck and one around the cock

  45. Muff Daddy, actually. Guessing he was sick and depressed and decided it would be better to go a little early than a little late. Don't know who was the more annoying attention whore - he or Jesus H Christ.

  46. Brian Weiss is such a simpering f@gg$++

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