Paris May Not Be Burning But #Jean-Marie Le Pen's House Is On Fire! THE JEWS DID IT!

Another Reason Why Paris Should Burn
Paris will burn and Marseilles will be engulfed. Several cities will be shaken down and swallowed up by earthquakes. People will believe that all is lost. Nothing will be seen but murder, nothing will be heard but the clash of arms and blasphemy. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)
May be a right winger/Nationalist but in the end you will side with Muslims.

Who is to blame for the Charlie Hebdo massacre?

According to the Nationalist Le Pen it is the CIA:
“The shooting at Charlie Hebdo resembles a secret service operation but we have no proof of that, I don’t think it was organised by the French authorities but they permitted this crime to be committed. That, for the moment, is just a supposition.” Independent
And of course the JEWS!

Western Intelligence = JEWS

Well Paris isn't burning - it's Jean-Marie Le Pen's house:

In French
Un incendie s'est déclaré aujourd'hui dans la maison de Jean-Marie Le Pen à Rueil-Malmaison (Hauts-de-Seine). Il a été légèrement blessé au visage en voulant échapper aux flammes. "La maison a brûlé, mon père était à l'intérieur. Il est blessé au visage, mais il n'y a rien de grave, rien d'inquiétant", a déclaré la présidente du Front national (FN), Marine Le Pen. "Il s'agit d'un départ de feu accidentel qui a pris vraisemblablement dans le conduit de la cheminée sur laquelle travaillait un ouvrier", à la mi-journée dans la maison de Jean-Marie Le Pen a relaté une source policière, confirmant une information de LCI. Jean-Marie Le Pen "s'est refugié sur la terrasse" et "est tombé en voulant échapper aux flammes", a expliqué une autre source. lefigaro
 In English
Jean-Marie Le Pen, the former leader of the right-wing National Front party, was injured when a fire broke at his home in Rueil-Malmaison, French media reported. The condition of the 86-year-old veteran politician wasn’t serious, BFM TV reported, citing sources familiar close to the matter. Le Pen is said to have a bruise on his face. He was taken by firefighters to get medical assistance. The fire was relatively strong, but its cause wasn’t immediately reported. RT Read More>>>>>
AFP 4:42PM GMT 26 Jan 2015 Jean-Marie Le Pen, the founder of France's far-Right Front National party, was slightly injured on Monday in an accidental fire at his house outside Paris. The fire at Mr Le Pen's house in Rueil-Malmaison is thought to have started in a chimney where work was being carried out. "The house burned, my father was inside," said Marine Le Pen, who now leads the Front National party that her 86-year-old father founded. "His face was injured, but it is not serious, nothing to worry about," she told AFP. Mr Le Pen "fell while trying to escape the flames", according to one source. Read More>>>>>>
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