Seven Hard Ways Of Jesus Christ Crucified & Seven Gifts Of The Holy Ghost & The Seven Deadly Sins

And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him: the spirit of wisdom, and of understanding, the spirit of counsel, and of fortitude, the spirit of knowledge, and of godliness. And he shall be filled with the spirit of the fear of the Lord.Is.11.2-3.
Remember thou the seven hard ways, which thy Lord walked for thee in this his Passion, that he might stop up the seven ways of the seven deadly sins, which lead thee unto Hell, & might open the way to everlasting life, by the seven gifts of the holy Ghost.

For he went:

First, from the house where he supped, to the Garden.

Secondly from thence to Annas.

Thirdly to Caiphas his house.

Fourthly to Pilate.

Fifthly to Herod.

Sixthly again to Pilate.

Seventh to the Cross.

Do thou in all thy travails meditate upon these ways, and for the love of thy Lord run in the way of his Commandments.

Isaia names the gifts of the holy Ghost from the highest down, and in combination, so as to show at one and the same time their difference, interrelationship, origin, and order.

1. Wisdom

2. Understanding

3. Counsel

4. Fortitude

5. Knowledge

6. Piety

7. Fear of the Lord

There are seven gifts of the Holy Spirit for the sake of repelling in the best possible way the DEVIATIONS OF THE VICES.

1. Wisdom against lust.

2. Understanding against gluttony

3. Counsel against covetousness

4. Fortitude against sloth which destroys the soul's power for good

5. Knowledge against anger which is a kind of insanity

6. Piety against envy

7. Fear helps against pride

Good practice after the reception of communion is to meditate on the seven hard ways of our Lord after looking at the crucifix above the Altar (or in you mind's eye)

On the holy wound of the right hand meditate on the first hard way of Our Lord where he went from the house where he supped, to the Garden asking for the gift of Wisdom to help combat the deadly sin of lust.

On the holy wound of the left hand meditate on the second hard way of Our Lord to the house of Annas asking for the gift of Understanding to combat the deadly sin of gluttony.

On the holy wound of the left foot meditate on the third hard way of Our Lord to Caiphas asking for the gift of Counsel against covetousness.

On the holy wound of the right foot meditate on the fourth way of Our Lord to Pilate asking for the gift Fortitude against sloth which destroys the soul's power for good.

On the holy wound of the side meditate on the fifth way of Our Lord to Herod asking for the gift of Knowledge against anger which is a kind of insanity.

On the crown of thorns meditate on the sixth way of Our Lord back to Pilate asking for the gift of Piety against envy.

On the Superscription THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS mediate on the seventh way of Our Lord to the cross asking for Fear helps against pride.

Taken from more or less:

Fr. Francois Coster Meditations of the whole history of the Passion

St. Bonaventure The Breviloquium 


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