Confirms Adacia Chambers IS A MUSLIM CONVERT & COMMITTED JIHAD! Was Not Intoxicated During Oklahoma's Homecoming Crash' Tests Show

  • 4 counts of second-degree murder 
  • 46 counts of assault and battery with means likely to produce death 
Why? Because she was mentally ill.....OK
Homecoming parade driver who killed four when she plowed into a crowd of people at Oklahoma State University 'was not intoxicated during crash' tests show

A woman accused of killing four people and injuring dozens after driving through Oklahoma State University's homecoming parade last month was not 'intoxicated when she crashed' tests show. Adacia Chambers, 25, was ordered to submit to a blood alcohol test at Stillwater Medical Center following the October 24 crash when she was suspected of drunk driving. But tests showed that she had a blood-alcohol content of 0.01, lower than the legal intoxication threshold which is 0.08. Daily Mail Read More>>>>>
Hopefully Paris will be wake up call and maybe some will take seriously the reality that many whites convert to Islam and then kill for Jihad. Adacia Chambers is one such case.

The police and media are hiding the fact that the girl was groomed by a Muslim to kill.

As has been reported a few years ago Muslim terror plans include using large vehicles to run over people.

Here is a real Muslim terror event using a car as a weapon that took place December 2014:
11 people in France run over by man driver yelling 'Allahu Akhbar'  
 On Sunday, a driver in the French city of Dijon ran over 11 people with his car after yelling "allahu akhbar," (god is greatest in Arabic) . Among the victims were two people who were seriously injured. "The man, born in 1974, is apparently imbalanced and had been in a psychiatric hospital," a source told AFP. Jerusalem Post Read More>>>>>>>
Is Adacia Chambers a Muslim Convert? Well you will not find out for another 3 years or so. Maybe she'll 'convert' in Holmes did.....


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