Meditation On The Passion: The Second Accusation Before Pilate III

MAZZOLINO, Ludovico 
Christ before Pilate 
c. 1525

And Pilate hearing Galilee, asked if the man were a Galilaean, & as soon as he knew that he was under the jurisdiction of Herod, he sent him Herod, who also in those days was in Jerusalem. Galilaean, is here to be separated from the man, in this sense, whether this man be Galilaean.

Consider first, that either Pilate did not know the name of Jesus, or else that he disdained to name him. Wicked men know not Jesus, suffering, mocked and bound; they know the honors of the world, but no the ignominy of the Cross: Therefore they shall not be know of Jesus, that is, their Saviour, and they shall never reap the fruit of salvation, which reject the Passion, being the instrument of salvation.

Consider secondly, that Herod the Jew came to Jerusalem against the feast of Pasch. For sinners use to celebrate the Feasts of the Faithful with outward ceremonies only, in braver Apparel, with daintier Dishes &c. But they do not receive the inward fruit of the Feasts, neither do they labor so much for the inward ornament of their Soul, to the which they ought to be carried from the outward ceremonies.

Consider thirdly, thy Lord is said to be under the jurisdiction of Herod, a wicked man, Incestuous, Adulterous, and a Murderer: that thou mayest willingly obey thy Superiors, though they be not very good, having respect not to their vices, but to the virtue of obedience.

Consider fourthly, the four Judges of Christ, two Priests Annas & Caiphas, and two secular men Herod the Jew, and Pilate the Gentile. For Christ was adjudged to death by all states of men; he was slain for the sins of all men; he suffered and died for the salvation of all men. Therefore do thou confidently lay all thy sins upon him, that being freed from them, thou mayest receive eternal salvation prepared by him.

Fr. Coster


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