Short Meditation On Gospel Mt.16.13. For The Feast Of Saints Soter And Caius Popes, Martyrs

Short Meditation On Gospel Mt.16.13. For The Feast Of Saints Soter And Caius Popes,Martyrs


GOSPEL Mt. 16:13-19.

How St. Peter confessed the Divinity of Christ. Mt.16.13. Mk.8.27. Lk.9.18.

1. Consider, how our Saviour demanded of his Apostles what opinion men had of him, not thereby to understand his own praises, or to vault himself, or to learn any thing that he knew not already; but only to instruct them, and give them occasion to merit by a holy confessing him to be God.

2. Consider how that after he had understood what the common people thought of him, he would also know what the Apostles themselves did esteem him to be; and so he gave occasion to St. Peter to confess him to be God and man, the Son of the living God.

3. Consider how our Lord approving their faith, under the confession that St. Peter had made in name of them all, he called him therefore Happy and Blessed, because he had received such a revelation from God, and made him head of the universal Church.

Let us learn

1. To hear willingly what others say of us, thereby to amend our faults.

2. To be ever ready to confess the faith of Christ, even with the loss of our life, when it should be requisite.

3. To priase men modestly, acknowledging the good that we see in them, to come more of God then of themselves.


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