Acts Of Silence

CANDID, Peter 
Virgin and Child

1. Give me grace dear Lord, to pout a watch before my mouth, that I may not offend thee with my tongue. 

2. Direct my words my Lord, that they may be to thy honor, and glory, and to the edification of my neighbor.

3. Give grace unto my words dear Lord, that they may please all those, with whom I converse, without offending thee.

4. Do not suffer me sweet Saviour , to speak anything, with remorse of conscience.

5. Grant dear Lord, that I may rather be for ever mute, then willingly in words to offend thee.

6. Grant me sweet Saviour to use diligence in the keeping of my tongue, that there may not escape me any one word, which is not necessary and profitable for my self or neighbor.

Fr. Thomas Doughty 1623


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