Acts Of Obedience

BAELLIEUR, Cornelis de
Virgin and Child Enthroned

Acts Of Obedience

1. Dear Lord, since thou sayest of the Pastors, and Prelates of the Catholic Church: He that heareth you, hearth me, and he that despiseth you despiseth me: I resolve most firmly to obey them, as readily, and a speedily in all things, as if thou visibly shouldest command me.

2. Grant dear Lord, that I may always live and dye a most obedient child of the Catholic Church.

3. Thou my Lord who art truth it self, hast said: If he will not hear the Church, let him be to thee, as the Heathen, and the Publican. And God forbid that I should contradict thee, and esteem of him otherwise.

4. Since thou my Lord, art made to all that obey thee, cause of eternal life: Grant sweet Saviour, that I may obey thee, and keep thy commandments exactly.

5. Dear Jesu, thou wast made obedient unto thy persecutors to death, even the death of the Cross, to teach me to obey them in all things, wherein I may not offend thee.

6. Grant me dear Lord, that I mat rather die then not to obey my King, and Prince, in every thing, which is not offensive to thee my chiefest good.

7. Dear Lord, I believe most firmly, that to the obedient Abraham, the promises were made, and in the children of obedience they are to fulfilled.

8. Thou dear Lord hast said, and it must come to pass: He that shall curse Father of Mother dying, let him die, not only of a temporal, but eternal death.

9. The children of wisdom, are the Church of the Just, and their Nation obedience and love to Superiors. Grant therefore dear Lord, that I may never repine, at that which my Superiors shall command me.

Fr. Thomas Doughty 1623


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