ANTIFA BLM Car Bomb Attacks At Polling Places On Election Day?


ANTIFA BLM Car bomb attacks on polling stations on the East Coast in the Midwest and on the West Coast on Election day?

Already the Media is blaming  'Our worst nightmare': will militias heed Trump's call to watch the polls?

ANTIFA and BLM closely follow the terror tactics of the Muslim ISIS and Taliban...will ANTFA and BLM follow the bombing tactics of  ISIS and Taliban who blew up several polling stations over the years.....though I know that BLM and ANTIFA bomb making skills are next to nothing...unless of course they get help from some of the demented deep state goons...or maybe help from a few Muslims in their midst...

Here read the Media Narrative on possible Militia activity at the polls - in order to deflect from the real possible threat from ANTIFA and BLM...

'Our worst nightmare': will militias heed Trump's call to watch the polls?

In the final minutes of last week’s televised presidential debate, a few days before he tested positive for Covid-19, Donald Trump was asked by the moderator, Chris Wallace, whether he would call on his supporters to stay calm and desist from civil unrest in the immediate aftermath of next month’s election. 

Trump pointedly declined the invitation. Instead, he replied: “I’m urging my supporters to go into the polls and watch very carefully, because that’s what has to happen. I’m urging them to do it.” 

For those who monitor the activities of far-right militia groups and white-supremacist paramilitaries, Trump’s remarks were as welcome as jet fuel being used to quell a wildfire. Indeed, since they were made the FBI launched a series of arrests of militia members and others plotting to kidnap the Michigan governor, Gretchen Whitmer, and attack law enforcement, adding to a sense of a nation spiraling out of control as November’s election approaches. 

“The militias will absolutely seize on [Trump’s comments],” said Steven Gardiner, who tracks militias at the progressive thinktank Political Research Associates. “The possibility of armed factions with military-style rifles showing up at polling places is very troubling.” 

Devin Burghart, the director of the anti-bigotry organization the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights, had a similar sinking sensation when he heard Trump’s words. “My first thought was ‘Here we go’. This is the stuff of our worst nightmares.”  Source



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