Every Hour With Jesus Christ Crucified: An Hour Glass Of the Passion. Whereby The Soul May Be Always Mindful Of Her Redemption

MENGS, Anton Raphael 
Ecce Homo 

At 6PM a clock in the Evening. Our most humble Redeemer Jesus Christ, true God & man on his knees, did wash the feet of his disciples: And shall not I cast away all pride, & imitate the humility of my God, willingly exercising all offices, how base and humble soever, for the profit of my neighbor.

Then say: 

Diligo te Jesu.....
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. etc.... 

At 7PM Our most charitable Redeemer Jesus Christ, by an ineffable love towards men, gave them his body & his blood, for the nurture of their souls, ordaining the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. What love shall I render to my Saviour for so great love! what desire, what reverence, what affection ought I to have towards this venerable Sacrament.

Then say: 

Diligo te Jesu.....
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. etc...

At 8PM Our most amiable Redeemer Jesus Christ, gave his last adieu to his faithful, recommending unto them mutual Charity, demanding it of God his Father. O my soul , by Charity to one another, we are known whether we be true children of God.

Then say: 

Diligo te Jesu.....
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. etc...

At 9PM Our most pious Redeemer Jesus Christ, coming to the Garden of Olivet, surprised with a natural sadness of death had recourse to Prayer  three times, and resigned his will to God his Father, and did cast a bloody sweat from all his body: let us presently run to God, by prayer, when we are in any affliction, or danger, let us never stay in the creatures, but cast ourselves into the hands of our Creator.

Then say: 

Diligo te Jesu.....
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. etc...

At 10PM Our most courageous Redeemer Jesus Christ goeth to meet his enemies, voluntarily offering himself to death: and refuseth not to kiss the Traitor Judas. And I, O my God, shall I dare to betray thee by my sin, for some base creature, or vain pleasure: it were better for me to embrace all the torments of this life, yea, to die, and so to suffer with my Saviour.

Then say: 

Diligo te Jesu.....
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. etc...

At 11PM Our most mild Redeemer Jesus Christ did suffer himself to be taken by the wicked, and to be treated as a malefactor and thief: and I, who, by my sins, am the cause of all this, will not suffer any thing from my neighbor, without seeking revenge.

Then say: 

Diligo te Jesu.....
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. etc...

At 12AM Our most sweet Redeemer Jesus Christ, Lamb of God is outrageously treated before Annas, the High Priest; and he who is innocency it self, is falsely accused before him, yet I, who am repleat with imperfections, and offences towards God and my neighbor, cannot endure that any should accuse e, or that any one should reprehend me. 

Then say: 

Diligo te Jesu.....
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. etc.... 

At 1AM Our most clement Redeemer Jesus Christ, who is Goodness & Justice it self, and the sovereign Judge of all, is rudely lead From Annas to Caiphas, a most wicked & most unjust judge. But I cannot endure with patient to be judge or condemned of my superiors, of my equals, of my inferiors, be it right or wrong. 

Then say: 

Diligo te Jesu.....
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. etc.... 

At 2AM Our most wise Redeemer Jesus Christ, did confess, in the presence of the high Priest, that he was the Son of God, although he received a blow from the hand of a bloody butcher. Let us never leave to do good, or to serve God, for the fear of men.

Then say: 

Diligo te Jesu.....
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. etc.... 

At 3AM Our most amiable Redeemer Jesus Christ, is denied by St. Peter, but when our Blessed Saviour beheld him, he presently repented an bitterly deplored his sin. O Lord God, what man can presume that he will not offend thee? Let us bewail our sins with St. Peter.

Then say: 

Diligo te Jesu.....
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. etc.... 

At 4AM Our most meek Redeemer Jesus Christ, is blindfolded, spit on, beaten, mocked, blasphemed, as a false Prophet. Consider my soul, that thou hast spit upon the face of Jesus Christ, that thou hast mocked and blasphemed him; when thou hast done them to any one of thy neighbors, who are thy Brethren.  

Then say: 

Diligo te Jesu.....
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. etc.... 

At 5AM Our most innocent Redeemer Jesus Christ, the Holy of Holies in a full assembly & counsel of the Jews, is condemned to death through envy. O how this Passion if envy doth make us often times to Judge evil of others better than our selves.

Then say: 

Diligo te Jesu.....
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. etc.... 

At 6AM Our most gracious Redeemer Jesus Christ, is presented to Pilate and falsely accused: but not answering a word, he is found innocent. O what silence of my Saviour so grievously accused, and I, sinner that I am, do nothing but make excuses.

Then say: 

Diligo te Jesu.....
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. etc.... 

At 7AM Our most Prudent Redeemer Jesus Christ, is sent from Pilate to Herode and being demanded of vain things held his peace; whereby he was mocked, esteemed as a fool, and such is clothed in a white garment. O how much ought we rather desire to be contemned of men, and not to condescend  to their evil will, than to displease God!

Then say: 

Diligo te Jesu.....
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. etc.... 

At 8AM Our most Just Redeemer Jesus Christ, is lead from Herode to Pilate, and Barabbas the murderer is preferred before him. And thousinner, dost not thou do the same, dost not thou prefer the Devil before God, when thou inclinest to vice and forsake virtue.

Then say: 

Diligo te Jesu.....
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. etc.... 

At 9AM Our most dolorous Redeemer Jesus Christ is most rudely deposed, and bound all naked to a pillar, most cruelly whipped, all torn with stripes and bruised with blows! Behold, O my soul, how they handle the Virginal flesh of thy Saviour: and how thou dost flatter and pamper thine, which hath so much offended. 

Then say: 

Diligo te Jesu.....
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. etc.... 

At 10AM Our most patient Redeemer Jesus Christ re-vested with purple: crowned with thorns, having a reed for a scepter, is shown to the People: Behold the man. O my soul behold the man that is shown to thee for a pattern of patience and all virtue, if thou will be glorified by Him. O how much ought I to be ashamed to be so delicate a member under a head crowned with thorns for me.

Then say: 

Diligo te Jesu.....
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. etc.... 

At 11AM Our most constant Redeemer Jesus Christ condemned to death by Pilate, carrieth his own Cross to the Mount Calvarie. Whosoever will follow him to Paradise; he must carry the Cross ( which are the afflictions of this life) after him with patience.

Then say: 

Diligo te Jesu.....
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. etc.... 

At 12PM Our most obedient Redeemer Jesus Christ is stretched out, nailed and elevated on the Cross, between two theeves, for the salvation of the world. Since our sins have been so punished in the person of our Redeemer. How shall they be punished in siners, if they do not amend.

Then say: 

Diligo te Jesu.....
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. etc.... 

At 1PM Our most merciful Redeemer Jesus Christ did pray for those that crucified him, and promised Paradise to the good thief. Let us also pardon those that offend against us, if we will that God should pardon us.

Then say: 

Diligo te Jesu.....
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. etc.... 

At 2PM Our most devout Redeemer Jesus Christ did give Saint john to his Mother, for her Son, and his Mother to St. John for a mother. O what affection did Saint John beare to the Mother of God: O that my soul might burn with the like devotion to the Blessed Virgin.

Then say: 

Diligo te Jesu.....
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. etc.... 

At 3PM Our most perfect Redeemer Jesus Christ did cry out My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me! I thirst: All is consummated & recommending his spirit to God the Father he expired. Let the earth tremble, the dead arise, the Sun be darkened day become night; since the Creator and Saviour of the world is dead: but thou O my soul, awake from sin.

Then say: 

Diligo te Jesu.....
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. etc.... 

At 4PM Our most victorious Redeemer Jesus Christ being dead, his soul decended to Limbo, for to deliver the elect;  in the mean time his body transpierced with a lance, dth shed forth blood and water. Enter O my soul, within the side of Jesus Christ, by a great confidence in his mercy, give heart for heart, love for love, to him that hath done and given all for thee.

Then say: 

Diligo te Jesu.....
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. etc.... 

At 5PM The Precious body of our Redeemer Jesus Christ being taken down from the cross, is put into the arms of the Virgin Mary, his Mother, and afterward is most honorably buried. Receive my soul, receive him in thy thoughts, words and works living in such sort that thou mayst be worthy of the name of a Christian redeemed by the precious blood of the Son of God.

Then say: 

Diligo te Jesu.....
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. 
I love thee O my Jesus. etc.... 

The Soul of Christ sanctified me, the body of Christ save me, the precious blood of Jesus Christ inebriate me, the water of the side of Jesus Christ wash me, the Passion of Jesus Christ comfort me; O good Jesu hear me; hide me in thy holy wounds, suffer me not to be separated from thee; defend me from the malignant enemy, call me at the hour of my death, and command me to come to thee, for to praise, bless, & glorify thee eternally, with thy Saints Amen.

Br. Angelus Francis (Richard Mason) 1636 

The Prayer (Diligo te Jesu.....) from Thomas Wright 1596


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