During Ascension Thursday Mass What's Running Through The Mind Of FSSP Ann Barnhardt During The Te Igitur: "Antipope Bergoglio Is A Drooling Luciferian Freemasonic Sodomite Heretic"

This seemeth just to us, that the name of Lord the Pope, whosoever shall be for the time in the Apostolic Sea, be rehearsed in our Churches. Alcuinus is in this more plain, saying: them to be separated from Communion, who by any dissension do not frequent the remembrance of the Apostolic Pope, during the sacred mysteries . This is insinuated by the glorious martyr Ignatius: The first honor is due to God, the second to the Bishop, the third to the King. Fr. Henry Fitzsimon 1611

In response to Ann's latest attack on the Pope:

St. Robert Bellarmine brings yet more crystal clarity, speaking DIRECTLY to us in this moment: Bergoglio the drooling Freemason heretic is not and never was the Pope   

Ann Barnhardt is a product of the FSSP

Ann claims to be a virgin

But this FSSP virgin is always posting nasty name calling posts on her website.

I have to ask if Ann ever entered a FSSP convent for any length of time?

I think she did and all hell broke loose causing irreparable damage to the other professed nuns at the FSSP convent.

This may explain the bizarre behavior and activity at two of the FSSP convents.

Listening to Ann you very well know that she does not practice the virtue of SILENCE. Ann can not remain silent for more than an hour. I give her the benefit of the doubt that she is silent during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. But her thoughts during Mass are purley demonic. How can they not be, when Ann confesses that she attends the Mass where the priests mentions Pope Francis by name during the Te  Igitur. And if this is the case then please explain what Ann is actually thinking when the priests says the following using the name of Pope Francis:

Te igitur

P: Te igitur clementissime Pater, per Jesum Christum Filium tuum Dominum nostrum, supplices rogamus ac petimus, uti accepta habeas, et benedicas haec `†´ dona, haec `†´ munera, haec `†´ sancta sacrificia illibata, in primis quae tibi offerimus pro Ecclesia tua sancta Catholica; quam pacificare, custodire, adunare, et regere digneris toto orbe terrarum: una cum famulo tuo Papa nostro "N." et Antistite nostro "N." et omnibus orthodoxis, atque Catholicae et Apostolicae fidei cultoribus. 

P: Therefore, we humbly pray and beseech Thee, most merciful Father, through Jesus Christ Thy Son, Our Lord, to receive and to bless these `†´ gifts, these `†´ presents, these `†´ holy unspotted sacrifices, which we offer up to Thee, in the first place, for Thy holy Catholic Church, that it may please Thee to grant her peace, to guard, unite, and guide her, throughout the world: as also for Thy servant N., our Pope, and N., our Bishop, and for all who are orthodox in belief and who profess the Catholic and apostolic faith.

Let me fill in the blanks using the words of Ann Barnhardt:

P: Therefore, we humbly pray and beseech Thee, most merciful Father, through Jesus Christ Thy Son, Our Lord, to receive and to bless these `†´ gifts, these `†´ presents, these `†´ holy unspotted sacrifices, which we offer up to Thee, in the first place, for Thy holy Catholic Church, that it may please Thee to grant her peace, to guard, unite, and guide her, throughout the world: as also for Thy servant "Antipope Bergoglio A Drooling Luciferian Freemasonic Sodomite Heretic", our Pope, and N., our Bishop, and for all who are orthodox in belief and who profess the Catholic and apostolic faith.

Please - really?

What kind of Virgin thinks demonic stuff like this during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass?


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