Monday: The Little Office Of The Holy Ghost




+The grace of the holy Ghost enlighten our senses and harts. Resp. Amen. 
Versus. O Lord thou wilt open my lips.
Resp. And my mouth shall show forth thy praise.
Vers. O God incline unto mine aid.
Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.
Vers. Glory be to the Father, & to the Sonne &c. 
Resp. As it was in the beginning, both now and ever, and world without end, Amen, Alleluia

From Septugaesima to Easter, instead of Alleluia, is said, Praise be to thee O Lord, King of Eternal glory.


Thy holy spirit grant to us, O Lord, By which the Virgin did conceive the word. When Gabriel with his message to her came, God became man, and she conceived the same.
Antiph. Come, O holy spirit, replenish the harts of thy faithful, & enkindle in them the fire of thy love. 
Vers. Send forth thy spirit, and they shall be created.
Resp. And thou shalt renew the face of the earth.


We Beseech thee, O Lord, that the power of the holy Ghost may be present with us, which may merciful purge our harts, and defend us from all adversities, through our Lord Jesus Christ they Son &c.


+The grace of the holy Ghost enlighten our senses and harts. Resp. Amen. 
Versus. O Lord thou wilt open my lips.
Resp. And my mouth shall show forth thy praise.
Vers. O God incline unto mine aid.
Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.
Vers. Glory be to the Father, & to the Sonne &c. 
Resp. As it was in the beginning, both now and ever, and world without end, Amen, Alleluia

From Septugaesima to Easter, instead of Alleluia, is said, Praise be to thee O Lord, King of Eternal glory.


The body which to Christ the Virgin gave, Dead on the Cross, was buried in the grave. Rising again to his disciples eyes, He shows himself, & so to heaven flies.
Antiph. Come, O holy spirit, replenish the harts of thy faithful, & enkindle in them the fire of thy love. 
Vers. Send forth thy spirit, and they shall be created.
Resp. And thou shalt renew the face of the earth.


We Beseech thee, O Lord, that the power of the holy Ghost may be present with us, which may merciful purge our harts, and defend us from all adversities, through our Lord Jesus Christ they Son &c.


+The grace of the holy Ghost enlighten our senses and harts. Resp. Amen. 
Versus. O Lord thou wilt open my lips.
Resp. And my mouth shall show forth thy praise.
Vers. O God incline unto mine aid.
Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.
Vers. Glory be to the Father, & to the Sonne &c. 
Resp. As it was in the beginning, both now and ever, and world without end, Amen, Alleluia

From Septugaesima to Easter, instead of Alleluia, is said, Praise be to thee O Lord, King of Eternal glory.


Almighty God, sending the holy Ghost, Strengthened the Apostles at the Pentecost. Inflamed them with cloven tongues of fire, Left them not orphans, such was his desire.   
Antiph. Come, O holy spirit, replenish the harts of thy faithful, & enkindle in them the fire of thy love. 
Vers. Send forth thy spirit, and they shall be created.
Resp. And thou shalt renew the face of the earth.


We Beseech thee, O Lord, that the power of the holy Ghost may be present with us, which may merciful purge our harts, and defend us from all adversities, through our Lord Jesus Christ they Son &c.


+The grace of the holy Ghost enlighten our senses and harts. Resp. Amen. 
Versus. O Lord thou wilt open my lips.
Resp. And my mouth shall show forth thy praise.
Vers. O God incline unto mine aid.
Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.
Vers. Glory be to the Father, & to the Sonne &c. 
Resp. As it was in the beginning, both now and ever, and world without end, Amen, Alleluia

From Septugaesima to Easter, instead of Alleluia, is said, Praise be to thee O Lord, King of Eternal glory.


The they all received the seven fold grace, And understood the tongues of every place. Then to the corners of the earth they reached. And all the world throughout, the Gospel preached.   
Antiph. Come, O holy spirit, replenish the harts of thy faithful, & enkindle in them the fire of thy love. 
Vers. Send forth thy spirit, and they shall be created.
Resp. And thou shalt renew the face of the earth.


We Beseech thee, O Lord, that the power of the holy Ghost may be present with us, which may merciful purge our harts, and defend us from all adversities, through our Lord Jesus Christ they Son &c.


+The grace of the holy Ghost enlighten our senses and harts. Resp. Amen. 
Versus. O Lord thou wilt open my lips.
Resp. And my mouth shall show forth thy praise.
Vers. O God incline unto mine aid.
Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.
Vers. Glory be to the Father, & to the Sonne &c. 
Resp. As it was in the beginning, both now and ever, and world without end, Amen, Alleluia

From Septugaesima to Easter, instead of Alleluia, is said, Praise be to thee O Lord, King of Eternal glory.


The Spirit he was called Comfort giving. Gift of God, Charity, and fountain living. Unction of the spirit, fire enflamed. Sevenfold grace, free gift: so was he named.
Antiph. Come, O holy spirit, replenish the harts of thy faithful, & enkindle in them the fire of thy love. 
Vers. Send forth thy spirit, and they shall be created.
Resp. And thou shalt renew the face of the earth.


We Beseech thee, O Lord, that the power of the holy Ghost may be present with us, which may merciful purge our harts, and defend us from all adversities, through our Lord Jesus Christ they Son &c.


+The grace of the holy Ghost enlighten our senses and harts. Resp. Amen. 
Versus. O Lord thou wilt open my lips.
Resp. And my mouth shall show forth thy praise.
Vers. O God incline unto mine aid.
Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.
Vers. Glory be to the Father, & to the Sonne &c. 
Resp. As it was in the beginning, both now and ever, and world without end, Amen, Alleluia

From Septugaesima to Easter, instead of Alleluia, is said, Praise be to thee O Lord, King of Eternal glory.


Finger of Gods right hand. power of the spirit, Defend and save us from all ill demerit. That by the fiend of hell we may no perish, under thy wings protect is still. and cherish.
Antiph. Come, O holy spirit, replenish the harts of thy faithful, & enkindle in them the fire of thy love. 
Vers. Send forth thy spirit, and they shall be created.
Resp. And thou shalt renew the face of the earth.


We Beseech thee, O Lord, that the power of the holy Ghost may be present with us, which may merciful purge our harts, and defend us from all adversities, through our Lord Jesus Christ they Son &c.


+The grace of the holy Ghost enlighten our senses and harts. Resp. Amen. 
Versus. Convert us, O Lord, our Saviour
Resp. And avert thy anger from us.
Vers. O God incline unto mine aid.
Resp. O Lord make hast to help me.
Vers. Glory be to the Father, & to the Sonne &c. 
Resp. As it was in the beginning, both now and ever, and world without end, Amen, Alleluia

From Septugaesima to Easter, instead of Alleluia, is said, Praise be to thee O Lord, King of Eternal glory.


Spirit of comfort help us with thy grace, Direct our steps, show us thy shinning face, That when God comes to judge both great and small. To his fight hand he us with mercy call.
Antiph. Come, O holy spirit, replenish the harts of thy faithful, & enkindle in them the fire of thy love. 
Vers. Send forth thy spirit, and they shall be created.
Resp. And thou shalt renew the face of the earth.


We Beseech thee, O Lord, that the power of the holy Ghost may be present with us, which may merciful purge our harts, and defend us from all adversities, through our Lord Jesus Christ they Son &c.


These hours, o holy Spirit, of devotion I have rehearsed to thee by pious motion: That we in heave, grant us thy inspiration, Ever with thee may make our habitation.


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