Meditation On The Nativity Of Our Savior Christ: Of The Going Of The Shepherds To Bethlehem: And What There Happened Unto Them, And All The Rest Unto The Circumcision. POINT I
Adoration of the Shepherds
c. 1707
Of the going of the Shepherds to Bethlehem: and what there happened unto them, and all the rest unto the Circumcision.
The Angels being departed, the Shepherds, exhorted one another saying: Let us go over to Bethlehem, and see with our eyes, this word, that is done, which our Lord hath showed to us. And they came with speed; and they found Mary, and Joseph, and the infant laid in the manger.
1. Where I am to ponder; first, how the Shepherds forgot not this revelation, but charitiably animated one another to this journey: for that the inspirations, & commandments of almighty God, are not to be forgotten but executed. exhorting us with words, and examples to the accomplishment hereof: in such sort, as the four beasts following the implosion of the holy spirit, did strike one another with their wings provoking as it were one another to follow him the more fervently.
2. Secondly, they showed great obedience: for albeit the Angel commanded them not expressly to go to Bethlehem: yet they contented themselves, that he showed that it was the good liking of almighty God for to this end he revealed, and inspired it. And to one perfectly obedient, it sufficeth to have any signification whatsoever of the divine will, to putt, it presently in practice, albeit it were needed to leave therefore (as the shepherds did) both his flock, and all that he hath.
3. Thirdly, they executed the will of almighty God with great zeal. And here upon it is said, that they went with speed, moved by the divine spirit, with a desire to see the word that the Angel had said unto them, which was the eternal Word of almighty God made flesh for our sakes. And their zeal made them orthy to find what they sought, the Angel guiding them to the manger where he was.
O that I might imitate the zealous obedience, and diligence of these holy Shepherds, to seek, and to find out the Saviour. O sovereign Shepherd, whose sheep all other Shepherds are, discover unto me with thy divine illumination the place where thou lyest, and feedest in thy holy Nativity, that I may so seek thee, and find thee, that I may know and love thee, world without end, Amen.
~ Luis de la Puente
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