Second Meditation Of Our Savior's Passion ~ Lucy Herbert
GADDI, Agnolo
The Last Supper (detail)
c. 1395
Meditation II
The time our Savior chose to prepare this delightful banquet was the night
before his passion, when the greatest pains and sufferings in the world were preparing
for him, when men were contriving his
crucifixion and death; then he thought
of bestowing himself entirely upon them with his Divinity, and all the treasures of
his power, wisdom, and goodness; his
love for us could not bear a long absence,
and therefore he invented this admirable
way of remaining with us, that to him
we might fly for refuge, invoke him in
our necessities, and speak to him face to
face, when we are in distress; that his
presence might stir up our devotion, increase our reverence, strengthen our hope,
and inflame our love.
What thanks do we owe to our dear
Savior for all this? all we can say, or
do for love of him, comes infinitely short
of our debt: let us invite the Angels
to bless, praise, and magnify his Divine
Majesty for us and let us beg of his
infinite goodness, through the bowels of
his mercy and love, that when he shall
enter our hearts, he will be pleased to
unite them to himself, so that they may
never more be separated from him.
Lucy Herbert
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