Sinéad O'Connor Renounced Islam + Was Given Last Rites And Will Have Catholic Funeral.

Eternal rest grant unto Sinéad, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. And may her soul and all the souls of the faithful departed through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

What time is Sinead O'Connor's funeral? 

In a statement, a spokesman for Sinead's family announced said that from 10.30am on Tuesday, a funeral cortege will progress along the seafront in Bray, past Sinead’s former home, Montebello, which she had lived in for the last 15 years. 

What route will the cortege take? 

The route will begin at the Harbour Bar end of Strand Road and continue along the seafront to the other end of Strand Road where Sinead and her family will then continue on to a private burial. A family statement read: “Sinead loved living in Bray and the people in it. With this procession, her family would like to acknowledge the outpouring of love for her from the people of Co Wicklow and beyond, since she left last week, to go to another place. Source


Deansgrange Cemetery.

Why not use her Muslim name? Shuhada Sadaqat? If she died a Muslim and buried as a Muslim?

Service notes with her given Christian name: 

Grave Marker (Temporary) will wait for the actual Grave Stone.


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