Transfiguration The GOSPEL Matt. 17: 1-9 Friday Meditation: A Plaine Path-way To Heaven Thomas Hill 1634

GOSPEL Matt. 17: 1-9 
At that time, Jesus taketh unto him Peter and James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into a high mountain apart: And he was transfigured before them. And his face did shine as the sun: and his garments became white as snow. And behold there appeared to them Moses and Elias talking with him. And Peter answering, said to Jesus: Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles, one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias. And as he was yet speaking, behold a bright cloud overshadowed them. And lo a voice out of the cloud, saying: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased: hear ye him." And the disciples hearing fell upon their face, and were very much afraid. And Jesus came and touched them: and said to them: "Arise, and fear not." And they lifting up their eyes, saw no one, but only Jesus.And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying: "Tell the vision to no man, till the Son of man be risen from the dead."


Moses and Elias being upon the mount Thabor with Christ talked together of the excess of Christ, his sufferings upon the Mount Calvary, and amongst the rest how they over loaded him with his heavy cross laying more weight upon his weak shoulders, then he was able to beare and were feign to compel one Simon of Cyrene to assist him.

In which discourse Moses and Elias standing upon the mount Thabor seem to look towers the mount Calvary.

So must we if we be upon Mount Calvary with a heavy cross upon our back, heavier then we think we shall be able to carry, and want help; lift up our eyes to Mount Thabor, and there we shall find a Simon to comfort us, to wit the glory we shall be transfigured into after this life.

Which is so great that Saint Peter, as is aforesaid, having but a little taste or sip thereof in the transfiguration of Christ, was out of himself for joy, which glory and the joy thereof was nothing in comparison of that heavenly joy and glory which, in time shall be revealed (as Saint Paul termites it) unto us in heaven.

Again when we are upon the Mount Thabor, that is to say when we have a little taste (for more then a taste we cannot have here) of any spiritual joy and consolation that we could desire, with Saint Paul in the excess of our mind, to be dissolved and to be with Christ, that we may be satiated with joy (as the Prophet David saith we shall when the glory of God appeareth unto us, in heaven.

Then let us cast our eyes towards the mount Calvary that is to say, let us take up our cross and follow Christ, for if we will be glorified with him in heaven we must suffer with him here on earth, we must not think to sit at his right hand or left in heaven or to have any place there unless we be willing to drink of his cup here unearth.

We shall be glorified with him saith Saint Paul yet so as we suffer with him.

Thus must we lift up our eyes to these two hills, sometimes to the one sometimes to the other when we be in the Mount Thabor or joy and prosperity to look towards the Mount Thabor Calvary of adversity and affliction, as Moses , and Elias, being in the Mount Thabor talked of the excess, and suffering of Christ in the mount Calvary, and when we are in the mount Calvary, of adversity and affliction, to think of the joy and glory of heaven represented by the transfiguration of Christ in the mount Thabor.

Which two mountains peradventure the Prophet David meant when he said I lifted up my eyes unto the mountains from whence I received aid and comfort, and so, I doubt not, but they shall also, that do feint.

A Plaine Path-way To Heaven Thomas Hill 1634  


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