My Mossad Handler Gina Just Sent Me A Mixtape With A Note: "Your Boss Is In Town And He Is Looking For You!"

I gotta get to Peekskill, break a leg or die 
I'll follow the new trail of blood on the ground 
In through the gate and mill with the crowd
I just got a feelin' that blood's gonna fly
I gotta get to Peekskill, break a leg or die

Tel Aviv: CIA Director William J Burns, arrived in Israel on Sunday to hold discussions with leaders and intelligence officials, the first stop in a multi-country trip in the region, New York Times reported citing US officials. The visit comes as the US is trying to prod Israel to pursue a more targeted approach to attacking Hamas, allow pauses in the fighting for aid to enter Gaza and do more to avoid civilian casualties, according to NYT. Washington is also looking to expand its intelligence sharing with Tel Aviv, providing information that could be useful about hostage locations or any follow-on attacks by Hamas.A US official briefed on Burns' trip said that he planned to reinforce the American commitment to intelligence cooperation with partners in the region. Burns will travel to several Middle Eastern countries for discussions about the situation in Gaza, ongoing hostage negotiations and the importance of deterring the war with Hamas from widening to a broader context, NYT reported citing the US official. US officials have been visiting Israel at a regular cadence since war broke out after Hamas fighters attacked Israeli towns on October 7 and killed more than 1,400 people. Israel has retaliated with a massive counteroffensive including air campaign and ground invasion into Gaza, where Hamas is in control. More than 9,000 Palestinians have been killed in airstrikes since Israel began retaliating, according to Gaza's health ministry. US officials said their estimates of the number of Palestinians killed was similar, New York Times reported. However, a spokeswoman for the CIA said the agency does not comment on the director's travel, New York Times reported. Source

I gotta get to Peekskill, break a leg or die.....

Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/29: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100790015-6 ? PC; PEEKSKILL, N.Y. The source and extent of the support given the Cuban rebels and the role of America as an interventionist have been shrouded in such secrecy, both before and since the invasion, that our democratic sense is offended. Disquieting Reports ,e,` MAY 16 01 nvjhvjknvjfvkjnvjkbjbnzkjjnbjkzxkjzbkjzzxkjzxvkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkbkjvnzkjxbvjkzxbvkjzxbvkjzbxvjkbzjkvbkjxbvkjzbxckjvbzxjkbvjkzbxvkjbzkjvbzxkjvbjkzxbvkjzxbvkjbzxkjvbzxkjvbkjzxcbvkjzivnvlbsoivnlhvljzxcbvkjbxvjkbzkjxcvbunvkjxbvkjxbvjbcdxvvbkdxv515jxvbkjbvkjzbvkjxbvkjbjkvbkjcvljbVoihVjbxcvkjbXVkjxcvkjbzxvckjbzxckjvbzxkjvclzxvkjzxbcvjxbcvkjzxbvkjxvjcnxjcvnnkjxnvckjzbxvkjBXvckjbxvckjXBCvjsivhvnzjxcvnljzxcbvjzxbvkjzbxvkjxzbvkjbxkvjbxkjvbjzxbvkjzxczxbvzxbvzxyoubzxdsdsdsdsdsdsdd sddsdsdd  bitch!cvbxcvbcbv
IT IS disquieting, in the climate of discussion coming from President, Kennedy's suggestion that the national security needs more self-censorship by the 1? er s s that the gove1"tii-dnt`is giving the appearance of hiding things from the people. Helpful in cutting through this situation would be, official disclosure of the, truth bearing on published reports that survivors. of the rebel Cuban invasion force have been or are concealed by the United States. One story that these men went e i5r_ited to a ?ar ne base 500 miles from, Cuba, kept there until ay ,2, and then flown back to the U. S. Vieques has been closed to reporters. to a Defense@part- WE WONDER what major security consideration can be so involved in the story of these survivors that. President Kennedy /has kept such a lid on it? If there is no such consideration, why can't there be some clear cut statement of denial, the opening of Vieques and the baring of the details of this last chapter of the Cuban debacle? The present official attitude, frankly, makes us uneasy. MAY 16 1961 We find it unbelievable that the German people under Hitler could have known nothing about the activities of Eichmann. We abhor the Soviet Union's iron control; of information and its spoon feeding of self- propaganda to its people. WE KNOW that the peculiar state of mind of authoritarian leaders, who wanted to hear only what they felt was "good" and the sycophancy of their followers, who 'then reported only the "facts" 'that fitted the preconceived picture contributed mightily to the downfall of the Axis nations in World War II. We agree that the national security should not lie carelessly, endangered, but we cannot help but fear that in some quarters "national security" is being confused with "national mistakes." This the American people will not stand for long and. it will not take many disclosures of unnecessary censorship before the entire operation of official Washington becomes suspect. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/05/29: CIA-RDP67-00318R000100790015-6 J


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