Mr. Can't Find My Way Home Winter Reading List

Mr. Can't Find My Way Home Winter Reading List 

1. King's Two Bodies - Ernst Kantorowicz
2. The Political Vision of the Divine Comedy - Joan Ferrante 
3. The Rise of the Roman Empire -Polybius
4. Holinshed's Chronicles (Second Volume)
5. Dante's Purgatory 
6. Shakespeare Historical Plays


Dear Mr. Fantasy's Fall Reading List

1. Virgil's Aeneid
2. Geoffrey Of Monmouth Histories  Of The Kings Of Britain
3. Dante's Inferno
4. Holinshed's Chronicles (probably only the first volume)
5. Shakespeare Historical Plays
6. Coster's Meditations Of The Whole Historie Of The Passion Of Christ
7. I Will Not List This Work Until I Return From England With The Third Part Of The Work In Hand.

Supplemental Readings:

1. Ockahm's A Short Discourse on Tyrannical Government
2. Dante's Monarchy. 
3. Marsilius Of Padua Defensor Pacis

Arms, and the man I sing, who, forc'd by fate, 
And haughty Juno's unrelenting hate, 
Expell'd and exil'd, left the Trojan shore. 
Long labors, both by sea and land, he bore.....

And like those who with breathless energy 
came out of the ocean to the shore 
turns to the perilous water and gazes, 
so my soul, which still fled, 
he turned back to admire the pace 
which never left a person alive.


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