Rad Trad Converts Ignore The Church Teaching On Sudden And Unprovided Death And Blame Sudden Death On The Clot Shot!
From a Sudden and Unprovided Death, Deliver Us O Lord.
How many times have you seen Rad Trad Converts taking delight in the sudden death of someone who took the clot shot?
How many times?
Yes quite a lot.
Rad Trad Converts take delight in knowing that they will never die suddenly because they didn't take the shot!
Rad Trad Converts are dangerous
Very dangerous and very stupid.
There have always been those who have died suddenly.
It's called a sudden and unprovided death. Many souls have died this way - well before Covid.
The Church has always taught Catholics to ask to be protected from a sudden and unprovided death:
From a Sudden and Unprovided Death, Deliver Us O Lord.
This was even before Covid hit.
But there are foolish men and women who have converted to the Catholic Faith and are stupid. So stupid that they would rather believe a Heretical Rad Trad Convert like Ann Barnhardt who tells them that any one who dies suddenly, died from the clot shot! Every. Single. Rad. Trad. Convert. Believes. This. Nonsense.
And since Rad Trad Converts didn't get the shot they believe that they will never die suddenly.
So why would a Rad Trad Convert pray not to die from a sudden death? They won't.
Again, the Rad Trad Convert Ann Barnhardt told them so!
Here is a recent Sudden and Unprovided Death:
Cross Fit competitor Lazar Dukic drowns near the finish line.pic.twitter.com/dZjQYlgp2e
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) August 8, 2024
Rad Trad Converts will giggle and laugh at this death and claim that the swimmer took the shot!
Remember that on this coming Sunday when at Mass some Rad Trad Convert will pinch her baby so as to make it cry and scream throughout the Mass disrupting the Silence of the Mass and know that these Rad Trad Converts are fucked up!
Here is a prayer to be protected from a sudden and unprovided death:
Prayer to Saint Andrew Avellino Against a Sudden Death and Against Strokes
I. O most glorious saint, whom God has made our protector against apoplexy, seeing that thou thyself didst die of that disease, we earnestly pray thee to preserve us from an evil so dangerous and so common. Pater, Ave, Gloria.
V. By the intercession of St Andrew, stricken with apoplexy.
R. From a sudden and unprovided death deliver us, O Lord.
II. O most glorious saint, if ever by the just judgment of God we should be stricken with apoplexy, we earnestly beseech thee to obtain for us time enough to receive the Last Sacraments and die in the grace of God. Pater, Ave, Gloria.
V. By the intercession of St Andrew, stricken with apoplexy.
R. From a sudden and unprovided death deliver us, O Lord.
III. O most glorious saint, who didst endure, before dying, a terrible agony, through the assaults of the devil, from which the Blessed Virgin and St. Michael delivered thee, we earnestly beseech thee to assist us in the tremendous moment of our death. Pater, Ave, Gloria.
V. By the intercession of St Andrew, stricken with apoplexy.
R. From a sudden and unprovided death deliver us, O Lord.
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