
Showing posts from May, 2024

Trinity Sunday The Gospel Mat. 28 v.18.Friday Meditation

Listen. I Work For The CIA. I Am Not A Spy. I Just Read Books!

Another Reason To Hate Cops! German Cop Tries To Arrest A White Guy Who Was Trying To Stop A Muslim Who Stabbed 6 White Germans!

A Potentially Unpopular Take On Vigano's Incredible Claim About Pope Francis

Trinity Sunday The Gospel Mat. 28 v.18.Thursday Meditation

Was Benedict XVI Restraining The Rise Of The Antichrist?

Trinity Sunday The Gospel Mat. 28 v.18. Wednesday Meditation

Pope Francis Walks Into A Gay Bar..."Just Pour The Drink You Fairy Fuck!"

Vatican Press Office: “Pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms”

Controversy stirs over Pope Francis' alleged remarks about gay seminarians

Trinity Sunday The Gospel Mat. 28 v.18. Tuesday Meditation

Pope Francis prays for victims in one of the countries he will travel to in September

Pope Announces Visit To Papua New Guinea And One Month Later Papua New Guinea Landslide Kills Two Thousand

CIA Diversity Hire Belinda Celebrating New Job As Artificial Intelligence Specialist

The Reason Why Rad Trad Convert Mike Parrott Broke Up With Girlfriend.......

Trinity Sunday The Gospel Mat. 28 v.18. Monday Meditation

‘They call us Nazis’: inside the wealthy German town where the far right is on the rise

Nazi salute and racial chants seen at German event: 'Foreigners out'

Video Shows Southern California Street Mob Attack Deputy's Cruiser: St Michael Not In Sight....

Just Another Reason To Hate Cops: Fontana CA Cops Threaten To Kill Mentally Unstable Man's Dog If He Does Not Falsely Confess To Killing Father - Who Was Still Alive

Why White Nationalists Will Unite With Rad Trads? Candace Owens!

Our Lady Of La Salette And Weird Things Are Happening With Tornadoes