Holocaust Denying Latin Mass Attending Traditionalist Michael Adebolajo Converted Over To The Dark Side Of Islam Hacked A British Soldier To Death!

Latin Mass Attending Traditionalist New Mass Goer Michael Adebolajo
& Class Mate Who Was Later Killed In Afghanistan
Marshalls Park School in Romford, Essex

Adebolajo was born on December 10, 1984, at Kings College Hospital in Lambeth, South London, and grew up in Romford, Baptized as a Roman Catholic in the new rite, received communion at the new mass, confirmed under the new rite, attended the new mass all his childhood. Adebolajo is described as coming from loving, Catholic family. Then he converted over to the dark side of Islam.

This is the fruit of his conversion to the dark side of Islam:

Latin Mass Attending Traditionalist New Mass Goer Michael Adebolajo
Blood Of British Soldier On His Hands

Now in all seriousness many Latin Mass attending Roman Catholics who deny the Holocaust end up siding with Muslims on a lot subjects regarding the Jews - even siding with the Muslims on the 9/11 conspiracy theory that 9/11 was caused by the US government and not Muslims.

But was Adebolajo influenced by Holocaust deniers at the Latin Mass? No, probably not because the only Roman Catholic Church where he grew up in Romford, England is a Novus Ordo Parish - St Edward the Confessor:

St Edward The Confessor

St Edwards has girl altar boys etc.. It is a typical Novus Ordo Parish.  Because of the weakness of the new catechesis, Adebolajo was not well formed in the Catholic faith. Who's fault is this? His parents and his priests are to blame for the ill formation of the boy. But this is expected nowadays - Adebolajo is a product of Vatican II.

So no Adebolajo was not lead astray by Holocaust deniers at St Edwards - Adebolajo was lead astray by the spirit of Vatican II!

Adebolajo left Catholicism for good as a teenager in 2003 and started to attend Lewisham Islamic Centre mosque he was eventually influenced by the Islamic Devil Anjem Choudary in 2003. Radical Islam held his attention better than the Sunday new mass.

Muslim Devil Anjem Choudary
I have to point the stupidity of those new mass going bloggers who insists that evils are committed at the Latin Mass every Sunday - evils like Holocaust denialism. According to most new mass goers Holocaust denialism is so prevalent at the Latin Mass that it is reason enough never ever attend a Latin Mass lest one become exposed to the evil and turn into most rad trad bent on annihilation of the Jews. This of course is silly superstition. The actual fact is coming more clearer each day - Adebolajo is a case study of the dangers that are prevalent in attendance at the stripped and barren new mass.

As was said before this new mass going bloggers should clean up their own new mass house first before casting dispersions on those who attend the Latin Mass.

So we have an example of one new mass goer converting over to the dark side of Islam and killing a innocent British Solider. What will Mark Shea and his ilk think of such a thing? Will they look at the life of the killer and look at his influences?

Go ahead and read the nonsense from the new mass going bloggers about their dreaded bogeyman at the Latin Mass:

UPDATED: Traditionalists’ “expert” on Pope Francis is a Holocaust denier
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Michael Adebolajo
Fruit Of New Mass & Product Of Vatican II



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