Demonic Infiltrator Mark Shea Belittles Private Revelation At Fatima Yet Promotes The Private Revelation Of Sr. Faustina And Her "Divine Mercy"

No Visible Wounds
No Sacred Heart
Only Rays Of Light!
For such false apostles are deceitful workmen, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no wonder: for Satan himself transformeth himself into an angel of light.
"Divine Mercy" rays of light as in Satan transforming himself into an angel of light or better yet the forerunner to the antichrist emanating his rays of light on all - his rays of "Divine Mercy" aping the things of God, aping the Sacred Heart.

"Divine Mercy" condemned by two Popes

Pius XII placed the writings of Sr. Faustina on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum (Index of Prohibited Books).

John XXIII first condemnation was in a plenary meeting held on November 19, 1958. The declaration from the Holy Office issued these three statements about this devotion  From TIA:

1. There is no evidence of the supernatural origin of these revelations. This means that the members of the Holy Office examined the content and decided that there was nothing there to indicate the apparitions were supernatural. In an authentic apparition, Our Lady of Lourdes or Our Lady of Fatima, for example, you can look at the content and affirm it can not be definitively said they are of divine origin, but there is enough evidence to say that it is possibly so. On the other hand, in the Divine Mercy apparitions, they said definitively that there is no evidence whatsoever that they are supernatural. This translates, “We do not think that these apparitions come from God.”

2. No feast of Divine Mercy should be instituted. Why? Because if it is based on apparitions that are not clearly coming from God, then it would be rash and temerarious to institute a feast in the Church based on something that is a false apparition.

3. It is forbidden to disseminate the images and writings propagating this devotion under the form received by Sr. Faustina. So, it was forbidden to even publish the image of Our Lord as Divine Mercy. 

Mark Shea making light of Fatima:
There's a couple of things to understand about private revelation.

First, of course, is that it is binding on nobody.  Those who attempt to elevate some private revelation to the status of de fide teaching or, dumber still, try to elevate it above the teaching of the Magisterium are out of line.  All an approved private revelation boils down to is that the Church says that it is "worthy of believe".  In other words, the Church says, "Looks like Mary really appeared at Fatima" and you can believe that if you like.  But you don't *have* to.

Second, if you do find the devotion to the private revelation to be credible and want to incorporate it into your spiritual life, knock yourself out.  Conversely, if it doesn't do anything for you, it could well be because it's not intended for you.  (This is hard for zealous devotees of particular private revelations to buy, but it's still true.  I don't think anybody has ever cultivated a devotion to every approved private revelation because there are too many to count.) Mark Shea
Liar Shea says that private revelation is binding on nobody! Really! How about taking a private revelation that was condemned by two popes and making that private revelation a Sunday day of obligation binding on all Catholics??? It's called  Divine Mercy Sunday!!! Made binding on all Catholics by JPII on April 30, 2000 making the Second Sunday after Easter - Divine Mercy Sunday!

Every Roman Catholics is forced to hear sermons about the false visions of a nun on that Divine Mercy Sunday. On Divine Mercy Sunday every Catholic must hear the names of  Sr. Faustina & JPI. Again, Sr. Faustina claims to have had a private revelation with Jesus. Two popes condemned her visions as false with nothing supernatural about the visions or messages.

Yet men like Shea say stupid things like "private revelations is binding on nobody" but in order to fulfill your Sunday obligation you are bound to put up with this particular private revelation on the Second Sunday after Easter.

Shea is a demonic infiltrator he would rather believe a private revelation of a false visionary than Our Lady of Fatima - here is the praise of Shea on a false vision:
God’s Shocking Mercy

Most Catholics have heard of St. Faustina. It was to her that Jesus entrusted the revelation of the Divine Mercy, a form of piety that has done nothing but grow in popularity over the past few decades, especially since it was clearly beloved by her fellow Pole, Karol Wojtyla, who went on to become Pope John Paul II and establish Mercy Sunday as a special feast of the Church.

And hey! What’s not to like about mercy—especially if you are an adult living in the early years of the Third Millennium? In a world crawling with evil and at a time when we are all made to be more and more aware of our own participation in it, mercy sounds mighty attractive. As Chesterton observed, “Children are innocent and love justice; while most of us are wicked and naturally prefer mercy.” So fairy tales are naturally full of gruesome punishment meted out to villains which make us blanch and children cheer, while contemporary adult fiction is filled with moral ambiguity and pleas for understanding the rich tapestry of motivations for repellent criminals.

That’s not to say contemporary adult fiction is mere sophistry, but it is to say that the hunger for mercy is more often seen among adults, who know their guilt rather than children who often only know their powerlessness. I, for one, certainly appreciate the Church’s teaching on mercy and have had recourse to the sacrament of Reconciliation more times than I can remember. I have a lively appreciation for the teaching of the Fathers of the Church, which regarded the forgiveness of sin as a greater miracle that the creation of the universe.

Just how great may be seen in another prominent figure in Polish history who is not so well-remembered these days: Hans Frank.

Frank was the Nazi gauleiter (territorial governor) of Poland during the German occupation in World War II. In addition, to overseeing the slaughter of two million Jews in camps under his administration, he also oversaw the slaughter of an additional two million Poles. His brutal reign also saw to it that millions of Poles were enslaved and the whole population suffered terrible deprivations as the Nazi regime labored toward their eventual goal of either exterminating or enslaving all the untermenschen so that the Master Race could pursue the goal of expanding in the “living space” left in East once their racial plans were fully enacted. Next to Hitler and Himmler, Frank bore perhaps the most responsibility for the mass murder of millions of innocent men, women, and children at the hands of the Nazi barbarism.

After the war, he was captured by the Allies and, along with the rest of the major criminals of the Nazi regime who survived the war, he was tried at Nuremburg. During the course of his imprisonment, he underwent a reversion to his childhood faith, repented his monstrous crimes, and sought the sacrament of Reconciliation. He received it, and went to the hangman’s noose declaring, “My conscience does not allow me simply to throw the responsibility simply on minor people...A thousand years will pass and still Germany's guilt will not have been erased." As he mounted the scaffold and was asked for any last statement, he replied "I am thankful for the kind treatment during my captivity and I ask God to accept me with mercy.”

How we respond to the proposition “…and a few seconds later, this man—who was responsible for the murder of four million innocent men, women, and children, as well as the enslavement and devastation of a whole nation—entered into eternal bliss and the everlasting love, mercy, and peace of Almighty God” is the measure of how much we really believe in what the Church actually proclaims about Divine Mercy. It is not the mercy we accept for ourselves that shows our trust in God’s mercy; it is the mercy we grant others and, especially, the mercy we grant to those disgusting, loathsome creeps we are quite certain even God will not forgive. The good news is: if God can and does forgive even a man like Hans Frank, there is abundant hope for the rest of us.

For the sake of his sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.
 Demonic Infiltration Of The Roman Catholic Church Read More>>>>>>


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