Meditation Of The Resurrection Of Christ Our Lord. Point III ~ Venerable Luis de la Puente S.J.
GOZZOLI, Benozzo
Women at the Tomb (detail)
As soon as Christ our Lord, was risen, by the decree of his eternal Father, there descended the Hierachies and Quires of Angels to congratulate him, and to celebrate the feast of his glorious triumph: for if a whole army came from heaven, to celebrate the festival day of his nativity, when he entered in the world to lead a mortal life: how much more is it to be believed, that they came at his holy resurrection, when he began to lead a life immortal, not coming to combat but to triumph for the victory? And so the Blessed Apostle doth insinuate, saying.When again he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, he saith. And let all the Angels of God, adore him. This is the day, when the second time the Father brought him into the world, and all the Angels adored him as their God, and their supreme Lord, renewing that fist Canticle of his nativity, saying. Glory in the highest to God, & in earth peace to men of good will. and this with very great reason, for that all this was a work of great glory to almighty God, and of great peace to mortal men, since by the same, men are pacified with almighty God, and their enemies overthrown: for which cause we may repeat that of the Psalme. This is the day which our Lord made. let us rejoice and be glad therein.
I give thee thanks (o eternal Father) for the care which they hast to glorify thy Son, fulfilling the promise which thou mades unto him, when a voice came from heaven, saying. Both I have glorified him, and again I will glorify him. I rejoice (o my savior) that thy Angels adore thee, and I together with them adore and glorify thee in this day, which is wholly thine, and not mine, because whatsoever thou didst therein pertain to the greatness of thy divinity, and not to the baseness of my humanity. O that all the world would acknowledge thee, and rejoice in this thy victory, that so they might enjoy the spoilis thereof! Amen.
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