Godly Meditations Of The Passion Of Christ 1599 (Anon.)


BELLINI, Giovanni 
Dead Christ Supported by the Madonna and St John (Pietà) 

O Lord Jesus Christ, I adore thee hanging on the cross, wearing a crown of thorns on thy head: I beseech thee, that thy cross may deliver me from the striking angel. Amen.

Our Father. Hail Marie.

O Lord Jesus Christ, I adore thee wounded upon the cross, being given gall & vinegar to drink: I beseech thee that thy wounds may be a remedy to my soul. Amen

Our Father. Hail Marie.

O Lord Jesus Christ, I beseech for the that bitterness, which thou endured upon the cross for me most wretched, especially in that hour, when thy most noble soul departed from thy blessed body: have mercy on my soul at the going forth thereof, and bring it to life everlasting. Amen.

Our Father. Hail Marie.

O Lord Jesus Christ, I adore thee descending unto hell, and delivering the captives: I beseech thee suffer me not to enter in thither. Amen 

Our Father. Hail Marie.

O Lord Jesus Christ, I adore thee  rising from the dead, ascending to the heavens, and sitting at the right hand of thy father, I beseech that I may deserve to follow thee thither, and to be presented before thee.Amen.

Our Father. Hail Marie.

O Lord Jesus Christ, the good shepherd, preserve the just, justify sinners, have mercy upon all faithful, and be merciful unto me a sinner. Amen.

Our Father. Hail Marie.
O Lord Jesus Christ, I adore thee laid in the sepulcher, embalmed with mirth and spices: I beseech thee, that thy death may be my life. Amen.

Our Father. Hail Marie.


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