Sunday Meditation Of Gods Benefits Unto Mankind 1633 (anon.)

AGABITI, Pietro Paolo 

1. Consider the benefit of thy creation, that when thou was nothing, the Almighty created thee, not a bird, or brute beast, but a reasonable creature, endued with understanding, will, memory, and capable of virtue.

2. Consider the end for which thou was created; namely the service of God, and that after a short time spent therin, thou mightest be partaker of those celestial joys, which he hath prepared for thee, in the Kingdom of his Father.

3. Consider that all other Creatures, and whatsoever thy God hath bestowed upon thee, is for the attainment of thy foresaid end, and so accordingly to be employed of thee.

4. Consider the benefit of thy Redemption, of thy Vocation unto the Catholic Faith; such also as concern thine own estate in particular. For which, and all other, as well known as unknown, labor to be thankful.


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