World War III & The Secret Of Fatima And The Annihilation Of Nations

I did not send prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied.
Jeremias 23:21

From the article World War III and worse:

Father Kramer: 'Well, here we go beyond the firm evidence of approved apparitions and into the realm of speculation. Based on the reported prophecies of a German priest, a mystic, whose veracity is attested to by another German priest I regard as utterly trustworthy, we can surmise that the year 2008 will see the outbreak of war and 2011 the Consecration of Russia and the beginning of the period of peace spoken of by Our Lady of Fatima. The period of chastisement may continue past 2011, but by 2013 the chastisement will have ended and this may be the actual year of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart'

It is now one year later and still no World War III. The German ‘mystic’ is not a prophet.

And it shall come to pass in that day, that the prophets shall be confounded, every one by his own vision, when he shall prophesy, neither shall they be clad with a garment of sackcloth, to deceive: But he shall say: I am no prophet, I am a husbandman: for Adam is my example from my youth. Zacharias 13:4-5


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