Holy Father Benedict XVI and his means of conveyance for the Holy Land visit: the new Airbus A-320 'Dante Alighieri'

Airbus A-320 'Dante Alighieri'

The Holy Father's means of conveyance.
"I Will Be Coming Among You as a Pilgrim of Peace" Benedict XVI

The Holy Father's visit to the Holy Land begins May 8th on the birth date of Dante Alighieri. The flight from Rome to Amman Jordan will be in the new Airbus A-320 named after the Divine Poet.

The Divine Poet's means of conveyance.

Both the Holy Father and Dante have to use a necessary means of conveyance to travel through the dark regions of hell. Just as the Divine Poet had to pass through the City of Dis and visit its hellish denizens, so too will the Holy Father visit the modern day city of Dis with its hellish denizens. Hopefully the Holy Father does not face the opposition that Dante and Virgil faced at the city gates:

'They closed the portals, those our adversaries,
On my Lord's breast, who had remained without
And turned to me with footsteps far between.
His eyes cast down, his forehead shorn had he
Of all its boldness, and he said, with sighs,
"Who has denied to me the dolesome houses ?"
And unto me: "Thou, because I am angry,
Fear not, for I will conquer in the trial,
Whatever for defence within be planned.
This arrogance of theirs is nothing new;
For once they used it at less secret gate,
Which finds itself without a fastening still.'

Take warning you muslims and Jews if the Holy Father does face opposition at the city gates, know that Divine help is near at hand:

'O'er it didst thou behold the dead inscription;
And now this side of it descends the steep,
Passing across the circles without escort,
One by whose means the city shall be opened."
Inferno viii

Thanks Dante


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