The Kingship of Christ is manifested in the Supreme Authority of the Holy Roman Emperor and is represented in the Crucifix of Lucca

Crucifix of Lucca
The Kingship of Christ is manifested in the Supreme Authority of the Holy Roman Emperor and is represented in the Crucifix of Lucca.

The Kingship of Christ and the Priesthood of Christ are both represented in the Crucifix of Lucca. Alas, in today’s modern world we only see the manifestation of the Priesthood represented in the Supreme Authority of the Holy Roman Pontiff. Men ignore and completely neglect the idea of the Kingship of Christ manifested in a Supreme governing authority, instead most Roman Catholics would rather pretend that somehow the Kingship of Christ is manifested only in the Supreme Authority of the Holy Roman Pontiff. In essence, the Supreme Authority of the Holy Roman Pontiff receives a double portion of Christ’s Priesthood and Kingship.

Using the words of the prophet Elias modern day Roman Catholics can imagine Jesus Christ offering to the Supreme Authority of the Holy Roman Pontiff: ‘Ask what thou wilt have me to do for thee, before I be taken away from thee.’ And the response of the Supreme Authority of the Holy Roman Pontiff, (using the very words of the prophet Eliseus): ‘I beseech thee that in me may be thy double spirit.' (4 kings 2:9) As if to have the Supreme Authority of the Holy Roman Pontiff say ‘give me thy double spirit, give me thy Priesthood and thy Kingship’.

This is the reasoning that modern day Roman Catholics engage in, it eases the conscience. After all, how can modern day Roman Catholics really believe that the Kingship of Christ is manifested in President Obama? Ha.. ha…ha…ha… No, the modern day Roman Catholic will tell you that the Kingship of Christ is manifested only in the Supreme Authority of the Holy Roman Pontiff.
So let’s ignore the epistle reading for this past Sunday, where St Peter admonishes you to: ‘Be ye subject therefore to every human creature for God's sake: whether it be to the king as Supreme.’ The very words of St Peter: ‘King as Supreme’ meaning of course, the Supreme Authority of the Roman Emperor. But this makes modern day Roman Catholics uncomfortable. St Peter can not actually mean the Authority of the Pagan Roman Emperor? No, according to the modern day Roman Catholics St Peter is referring to all governing authorities, and these governing authorities are all lower case, only the authority of the Holy Roman Pontiff is Supreme in Spiritual matters (granted), but these deluded modern day Roman Catholics will also insist that the Holy Roman Pontiff rules supreme in Temporal matters (not granted). So the modern day Roman Catholic will gaze upon Crucifix of Lucca and see that the Kingship of Christ and the Priesthood of Christ are both manifested only in the Supreme Authority of the Holy Roman Pontiff. How unfortunate!

This modern day error believing that the Kingship of Christ and the Priesthood of Christ are both manifested only in the Supreme Authority of the Holy Roman Pontiff is a detraction against the Supreme Authority of the Holy Roman Emperor, and therefore it is a direct attack on the Kingship of Christ.

Words of warning to those who believe such foolish errors from King David:

‘Let them that detract me (the Supreme Authority of Holy Roman Emperor) be clothed with shame: and let them be covered with the their confusion as with a double cloak.’Psalms 108:29
You wanted a double portion? You wanted a double spirit? Instead you will receive double confusion as with a double cloak. Who rules Supreme in temporal matters today..... Yeah President Obama & the UN. Double confusion if ever there was any.


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