Our Lady of La Salette: the Antichrist will be born of a Hebrew nun

‘Nature is asking for vengeance because of man, and she trembles with dread at what must happen to the earth stained with crime. Tremble, earth, and you who proclaim yourselves as serving Jesus Christ and who, on the inside, only adore yourselves, tremble, for God will hand you over to His enemy, because the holy places are in a state of corruption. Many convents are no longer houses of God, but the grazing-grounds of Asmodeas and his like.It will be during this time that the Antichrist will be born of a Hebrew nun, a false virgin who will communicate with the old serpent, the master of impurity, his father will be B.. At birth, he will spew out blasphemy; he will have teeth, in a word, he will be the devil incarnate. He will scream horribly, he will perform wonders, he will feed on nothing but impurity. He will have brothers who, although not devils incarnate like him, will be children of evil. At the age of twelve, they will draw attention upon themselves by the gallant victories they will have won. Soon they will each lead armies, aided by the legions of hell.’ Our Lady of La Salette

The above prophecy of Our Lady of La Salette on the Birth of the Antichrist born of a Hebrew nun has a long history that goes back to the middle ages. This prophecy of the Antichrist born of a Hebrew nun was first attributed to a fourth-century martyr Pseudo-Methodius which is found in the work written by Wolfgang Aytinger De revelatione facta ab angelo Beato Methodio in carcere detento this work tells of the unnatural birth of the Antichrist by Caesarian section:

The birth of Fredrick the Second also was rumored to be the fullfilment of the prophecy of the Antichrist born of a nun. His mother Constance was a nun who was forcibly removed from her convent and later married Henry VI the son of Fredrick Barbarossa. Of course the ex-nun Constance did not give birth to the Antichrist. Dante still places Constance in Heaven even though she left the convent. The reason for this is that Constance was forcibly removed from the Vail. Dante meets in Heaven Piccarda a nun who left her vows, she explains the reason for her low place in heaven because her vows were deficient. Piccarda was the daughter of Simone Dontati:
‘Within the world I was a nun, a virgin;
and if your mind attends and recollects,
my greater beauty here will not conceal me,

and you will recognize me as Piccarda,
who, placed here with the other blessed ones,
am blessed within the slowest of the spheres.

Our sentiments, which only serve the flame
that is the pleasure of the Holy Ghost,
delight in their conforming to His order.

And we are to be found within a sphere
this low, because we have neglected vows,
so that in some respect we were deficient.’

Piccarda then introduces Constance:

‘This other radiance that shows itself
to you at my right hand, a brightness kindled
by all the light that fills our heaven-she

has understood what I have said: she was
a sister, and from her head, too, by force,
the shadow of the sacred veil was taken.

But though she had been turned back to the world
against her will, against all honest practice,
the veil upon her heart was never loosed.

This is the splendor of the great Costanza,
who from the Swabians' second gust engendered
the one who was their third and final power.’

Paradiso Canto III

The story of the birth of Fredrick II as told by Ernst Kantorwicz:

Meanwhile other and less flattering predictions gained currency which had likewise accompanied the birth of the youngest Hohenstaufen. The Breton wizard Merlin was said to have spoken of the child s " wondrous and unhoped for birth " and in dark mysterious words to have hinted at disaster. The child would be a lamb, to be torn in pieces, but not to be devoured ; he was to be a raging lion too amongst his own. The Calabrian Cistercian, the Abbot Joachim of Flora, the " Fore-runner " of St. Francis, was swift to recognise the new-born child the, future Scourge of the World, the Anti- Christ who was to bring confusion in his train. The Abbot, indeed, full of prophetic fire, was said to have informed the Emperor betimes that the Empress overlain by a demon was pregnant, without yet knowing of her pregnancy. The Empress too had had a dream and it had been revealed to her that she was to bear the fiery brand, the torch of Italy. Constance obsessed the imagination of her contemporaries as few empresses have done. The strangely-secluded girlhood of the heiress of Sicily, posthumous daughter of the gifted Norman king and state-maker, Roger II, the great blond-bearded Viking : her belated marriage, when she was already over thirty, with Barbarossa s younger son, her junior by tenyears : her nine years of childlessness : the unexpected conception by the ageing woman : all this was or seemed mysterious enough to the people of her time to furnish ample material for legend. According to current rumour Constances mother, Beatrice, daughter of Count Gunther of Rethel, had been a prey to evil dreams when, after the death of King Roger, she was brought to bed of the future Empress. And the augurs of the half-oriental Norman court declared that Constance would bring dire ruin on her fatherland. To avert this evil fate, no doubt, Constance was at once doomed to be a nun. The fact that the princess actually spent long periods in various nunneries in Palermo may well have strengthened such a report. The story further ran that Constance had been most unwilling to marry at all, and this coloured Dante's conception of her : because she left her " pleasant cloisters pale " under pressure and against her will, he gave the Empress a place in Paradise. The tale that Constance had taken the veil was widely believed, and later deliberately circulated by the Guelfs out of malice towards her son. The similar superstition of a later day foretold that a nun should be the motherof Anti-Christ. Meantime this first and only pregnancy of theforty-year old empress gave rise to another cycle of legend. It became the fashion to represent Constance as being consider ably older than she was, in order to approximate the miracle of this belated conception to Bible precedent, and she is traditionally depicted as a wrinkled old woman. The rumour that the child was supposititious was bound to follow, and it was given out that he was in reality the son of a butcher. Shrewd woman that she was, Constance had taken measures to forestall such gossip : she had had a tent erected in the open market place, and there in the sight of all she had borne her son and proudly displayed her well-filled breasts so the counter-rumour ran.


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