What exactly would the "true world political authority" urged by the pontiff actually look like? Answer: Read Dante

Just like a fortress set on a steep slope,
securely seated there, ungirt, a whore,
whose eyes were quick to rove, appeared to me;

and I saw at her side, erect, a giant,
who seemed to serve as her custodian;
and they-again, again-embraced each other.

But when she turned her wandering, wanton eyes
to me, then that ferocious amador
beat her from head to foot; then, swollen with

suspicion, fierce with anger, he untied
the chariot-made-monster, dragging it
into the wood, so that I could not see

either the whore or the strange chariot-beast.
Purgatorio xxxii

Mr. John L Allen Jr asks the $64,000 question, What exactly would the "true world political authority" urged by the pontiff actually look like? Answer: Read Dante.

Dante already envisioned what shape the universal authority would take on and by what means this universal authority would come into existance. This can be found in the last few chapters of purgatorio. Dante in his de Monarchia has already warned the world of the inherant dangers of the papacy meddling in the temporal affairs of the Roman Emperor. Because of the long lasting envy of the papacy shown toward the Divinely Ordained Authority of the Holy Roman Emperor the world will soon witness a world not governed by the Roman Emperor as the Blessed Trinity has Ordained, but by a man-made authority. The popes have abused their power by trying their best to destroy the Divinely Ordained Authority of the Holy Roman Emperor. The main papal instrument used to destroy this Divinely Ordained Authority is called Translatio Imperii: meaning that the Holy Roman Pontiff has the ability to transfer the authority of the Roman Emperor from one people to another. This is a false papal doctrine created by men to make war on the Blessed Trinity's plan for governing the world. Today men can see the fruit of this man made doctrine. If it is true that the pope has the authority to transfer the authority of the Roman Emperor from one people to another then it follows that Pope Benedict has the ability to create an universal secular authority unlike any the world has seen. The United Nations can be considered a bitter fruit of Translatio Imperii. But the next step of Translation Imperii would be the creation of a secular universal authority blessed by Pope Bendict XVI. This is the prophetic vision of Dante found in purgatorio canto xxxii where the whore representing the papal doctrine Translatio Imperii (or the papacy by itself) & the giant is the man-made secular authority that is the usurper of the Divinely Ordained Authority of teh Holy Roman Emperor. Both the whore and giant are seated in the chariot, the chariot representing the Divinely Ordained Authority of the Holy Roman Emperor. This vision represents the usurpation of the Divinely Ordained Authority of the Holy Roman Emperor by the envy of the papacy (whore) and secular man-made authority (giant).

This is the answer to the $64,000 question 'What exactly would the "true world political authority" urged by the pontiff actually look like?'


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