Antichrist: Man Of Peace?

Many if not all heretics believe that the antichrist will be a man of peace. How these heretics draw this conclusion is beyond me. It is not found in scripture that the antichrist is a man of peace. The source of this perverted doctrine that the antichrist is a man of peace is from their own wild imaginations and probably from a little help from the father of lies. It is a fact that these heretics reject Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament and will continue to do so until the end of time and this of course may account for their distorted view of the antichrist. They do not properly discern Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament who is given to men for their own good so therefore how can they properly discern the antichrist who is given to men for their own punishment. I bring this point up simply because perverted men will use this antichrist as man of peace doctrine as proof against anyone who uses Peace as a means to re-establish the Divinely Ordained Authority of the Holy Roman Emperor. Dante Alighieri has said that first and foremost reason for re-establishing the Divinely Ordained Authority of the Holy Roman Emperor is to bring about peace in the world. His reason is this: if a man has Universal Authority over all of Gods creation then there is nothing more that this ruler would need want or desire. He possess all things completely there is no room for increase of avarice, no room to desire more than already possessing all. This true man of peace Divinely Ordained Authority of the Holy Roman Emperor will also pass judgment on those warring kings or princes who desire more than what is found within their own kingdoms. This Divinely Ordained Holy Roman Emperor is to restore order to all of Gods Creation and he is to destroy avarice and cupidity among his subjects. Of course protestant heretics will object to the destruction of avarice and cupidity simply because avarice and cupidity is a god to these protestant heretics. So the stage is set by the children of Cain that if any man shows himself to re-establish the Divinely Ordained Authority of the Holy Roman Emperor by means of the doctrine of Peace, these heretics will label this man as the antichrist.


  1. I just came across your site after researching Benedict XVI's comments in his encyclical and find your views interesting. BXVI's comments in 67 at first disturbed me until I read your point of view. The comments the pontiff made about the UN and its charter still make me concerned. Is this going to be the venue for establishing the Universal Authority?

    Also, who are the Imperial Electors you mention here?
    "Imperial Electors will soon elect the 126th Holy Roman Emperor". Are they related to the German Monarchy and what is a good resource for researching the history of the Holy Roman Empire?


  2. The Pope called for a True world political authority. The only True Universal Authority is the authority established by the Blessed Trinity - The Holy Roman Emperor. So if any attempt is made to establish universal authority outside of the Holy Roman Emperor then that would not be True world political authority but a false authority. Which is what the UN EU & all the man made democracies are--a false authority. False--- because these modern democracies do not acknowledge that all authority flows from the Blessed Trinity. This is verified in the Godless laws and customs of modern democractic states.They ignore God and the Divine instrument sent to govern man--The Divinely Ordained Authority of the Holy Roman Emperor.

    I will post more on the Imperial Electors and their civic duties.

    The only book that I know of on the Holy Roman Empire is by James Bryce titled Holy Roman Empire.

    Which can be found on google books


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