Holy Card Of The Prophet Gilbert Keith Chesterton

The Holy Prophet Gilbert Keith Chesterton (without cape)

The Following Litany is written by someone who I believe is sincere and who claims that "My friends and I ask for the intercession of Chesterton and Tolkien quite often" No problem with that--- I myself ask for Dante's help as well. But it is just a little too much right now with some calling for Chesteron's canonization and claiming that Chesterton is some sort of prophet. Where is the proof? Oh and by the way before you take offense at the above Holy Card of your prophet you might want to read from one of those followers of the saint and prophet Chesterton- Mr. Mark P. Shea commenting on his use of the word prophet when writing about GK Chesterton (which some don't agree with): "Tough. Grow a sense of whimsy. This isn't Mass. It's a blog written by somebody with a rather free-spirited sense of what you can and cannot do with the English language to get a point across. Learn to cope or I might even say "niggardly"." Yeah ...tough

So heres the litany (it is no joke)

(for private use only!)

Lord have mercy on us.
Christ have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy on us.
Christ hear us.
Christ graciously hear us.
God the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
God the Holy Spirit,
Holy Trinity One God,

Holy Mary, pray for us.
St. Joseph,
St. Francis of Assisi,
St. Thomas Aquinas,

Gilbert Chesterton, pray for us.
Son of Edward and Marie,
Brother of Cecil and Beatrice,
Friend of Bentley, Belloc and Baring,
Faithful husband of Frances Blogg,
Adopted "uncle" of local children,
Remarkable opponent in debate,
Man of colossal genius, (Shaw in GKC 367)

Jolly journalist,
Prolific essayist,
Author of mysteries,
Indefatigable writer,
Guide for converts,
Lover of paradox, (FVF)
Ethicist of Elfland, (Orth)
Preacher against Pride, (TCM)

Defendant of Penny Dreadfuls,
Defendant of Skeletons,
Defendant of Nonsense,
Defendant of Heraldry,
Defendant of Baby-worship,

Challenger of Wells and Shaw,
Challenger of Darwin and Darrow,
Challenger of Nietzsche and Hitler,
Challenger of the modern world,

Opponent of diabolism,
Opponent of eugenics,
Opponent of tyranny,
Opponent of falsehood,

Praiser of Humility, (TCM)
Praiser of Obedience, (Surprise)
Praiser of Gratitude, (Orth, SHE)
Praiser of Reality,

Poet and Lunatic,
Poet of Lepanto,
Poet of the White Horse,
Poet of Eternities,
Poet of the Arena,
Gracious poet of the Queen of Seven Swords,

The man who rebutted heretics,
The man who revealed orthodoxy,
The man who noticed tremendous trifles,
The man who considered all things,
The man who could take himself lightly, (Orth CW1:325)
The man who discovered England, (Orth CW1:213)
The man who saw the extraordinary everywhere, (TT 6)
The man who chose light over darkness (Ward GKC 650)

Biographer of the Jongleur of Assisi,
Biographer of the Angelic Doctor,
Steadfast follower of the Everlasting Man,

Interpreter of Science, (Jaki CASOS)
Antagonist of Scientism, (Jaki CASOS)
Critic of Evolutionism, (Jaki CASOS)
Champion of the Universe, (Jaki CASOS)

Devoted son of Holy Church, (Pope Pius XI in Ward GKC 652)
Gifted defender of the Catholic faith, (Pope Pius XI in Ward GKC 652)
Knight of the Holy Ghost, (Walter de la Mare in Ward GKC 651)

Frances, who cared for Gilbert,
Frances, who loved Gilbert,
Frances, who assisted Gilbert,
Frances, without whom Gilbert could do nothing,

Frances and Gilbert, united in holy Matrimony,

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, spare us oh Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us oh Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

Let us pray.

Almighty and ever-living God, hear the prayers of Thy faithful people, and if it be Thy holy will deign to grant to Thy servants Frances and Gilbert the honors of the altar. Through Jesus Christ the Everlasting Man, who livest and reigns with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.


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