And When He Had Touched His Ear, He Healed Him

DUCCIO di Buoninsegna 
Christ Taken Prisoner (detail) 
And when he had touched his ear, he healed him Lk.xxii.
Consider first, with what great benignity Christ cured the ear of this malepert Soldier , and cruel enemy, whom he foresaw would be never the better for such a benefit, that thou mayest learn to be readier to mercy, then to severity; and to do good for evil, though thy adversary deserve it not.

Secondly the force of the touch of our Saviours hand, that thereby thou mayest know the virtue of the body of Christ: For if the only touch of his hand did restore his enemies ear, will not his whole body received in the Eucharist cure both the body & soul of his friends?

Thirdly that Christ being ready to suffer, did heal the ear; for this is one of the chief fruits of the passion of our Lord, to make our souls capable of the word of God, & to cure them through Faith and Sacraments. Therefore God would admonish his enemies by this his last miracle before his death to open their ears to hear the word of God, and by hearing to lay aside all malice.

To be brief, admire the bounty of God, & pray him that he will show thee the like mercy, for thy innumerable sins.

Fr. Francis Costerus S.J. 1616


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