St. Louis To Become the New Chernobyl & Fukushima......Underground Fire In Bridgeton Landfill Is Moving Rapidly Toward Nuclear Waste West Lake Landfill: Path Of Radioactive Fallout: Bridgeton, Hazelwood, Maryland Heights, Champ & St. Charles.

CLAYTON, Mo. (KMOX) – If the underground fire at the Bridgeton landfill reaches nuclear waste in the nearby West Lake landfill, St. Louis County emergency planners say they’re ready. County Executive Steve Stenger has released to KMOX a plan drafted in October of 2014, which aims “to save lives in the event of a catastrophic event at the West Lake landfill.” The 11-page document warns “there is a potential for radioactive fallout to be released in the smoke plume and spread throughout the region.” Cities in the potential path of radioactive fallout are listed: Bridgeton, Hazelwood, Maryland Heights, the village of Champ and the city of St. Charles. Read More>>>>>



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