Angela Merkel THREATENS WAR With Neighboring States If They Close Their Borders To Muslims!!

German chancellor Angela Merkel defended the deal on transit zones reached with her rebellious sister party on Sunday and said her coalition partners needed to be convinced of it. Merkel also warned against military presence in the Balkans, in case borders close on the migration route. Speaking to supporters of her conservative Christian Democrats (CDU) in the western city of Darmstadt on Monday evening, Merkel said the Social Democrats (SPD) need to support the transit zones. Merkel's open-door policy towards refugees has created tensions within her ruling coalition that threaten the stability of the government. She struck a deal on Sunday with Bavarian premier and CSU leader Horst Seehofer, who is pushing for so-called transit zones along the border to make it easer to filter economic migrants and people in genuine need of protection. SPD opposes the idea of large centres along the border, where migrants will be detained. euobserver Read More>>>>>


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