GRAPHIC IMAGES: Muslim Suicide Bomber's HEAD & SPINE Severed From Body & Flew Onto The Street!!!! Abdelhamid Abaaoud's Head Seen Leaving The Scene Of The Crime!


The head and spine of Europe's first female suicide bomber flew through a window and landed on the street outside when she blew herself up during the siege of Saint-Denis. Fresh, grisly details about Wednesday's ferocious gun battle have emerged amid reports the ringleader behind the Paris massacre was killed in the melee. 

A blonde-haired woman, said to be Hasna Aitboulahcen - cousin of 27-year-old Abdelhamid Abaaoud - detonated her explosive vest moments after screaming 'Help me, help me' to police from a window, during the ferocious gun battle. The commander of the French assault unit describing watching her head 'fly through a window', with witnesses reportedly later finding her spine lying in the street below the flat in the run-down Paris suburb. Senior intelligence officials said massacre mastermind Abaaoud was killed in the raid, but French authorities have still not confirmed if he was there or whether he is dead or alive. 

Jean-Michel Fauvergue, 56, led the tactical RAID police unit responsible for yesterday's assault on a house in the Paris suburb of St-Denis in which a man and a woman died yesterday. Describing Aitboulahcen's death, he said: 'After a long firefight, we heard a loud explosion. The windows of an apartment were shattered, blown from inside to outside. 'That's when we saw a human body, a woman's head, fly through the window and land on the pavement, on the other side of the street. 'A suicide bomber had just exploded. The blast was so devastating that a supporting wall moved.' Daily Mail Read More>>>>>


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