LOL! Warrior Michael Matt Blames Rock Music For Muslim Terror Attack In Paris!! Refuses To Call Islam Satanic!!!!

From Distributist Michael Matt:
Le Point reports that the American rock group Eagles of Death Metal, traumatized by the terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday night, have now returned home to California. They were reportedly in the middle of a song aptly entitled Kiss the Devil when the killers stormed the concert hall and starting killing people.

How about some lyrics from that song by this “fun-loving” American band: 
"Kiss The Devil"
Who'll love the devil?...
Who'll song his song?...
Who will love the devil and his song?...
I'll love the devil!...
I'll sing his song!...
I will love the devil and his song!... Who'll love the devil?... Who'll kiss his tongue?... Who will kiss the devil on his
tongue?... I'll love the devil!... I'll kiss his tongue!...
I will kiss the devil on his tongue!...
Who'll love the devil?...
Who'll sing his song?...
Cute, eh?
No Matt you fool. MUSLIMS murdered 127, not lyrcis from a rock band

Matt is a dangerous man. No wonder he lives in a State with many Muslims.

Here to drive the point further home is a picture of the drummer of the band hiding behind his drum set from the bullets fired by MUSLIMS.

Oh and Matt all those souls that were listening to Rock Music when murdered by MUSLIMS can not be taught the Catholic Faith or the dangers of listening to Rock Music by you because they are dead! Dead from Muslims not from Rock Music!


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