Planes Trains And Automobiles DOOM! 14 Dead In Canada BUS CRASH......6 Dead In Muslim Vehicle Ramming Attack Muenster Germany ....UP NEXT PLANE & TRAIN DOOM?

Bizarre - life imitating art - again and again and again and again.......and again....again...

Two DOOM events took place this Friday and Saturady involving one of the three modes of transportation:
  1. Planes
  2. Trains 
  3. Automobiles i.e. Bus
One involved a Bus accident and the other was a Muslim Vehicle Ramming Attack

First DOOM is Automobiles or Bus


Crash of hockey team's bus leaves at least 14 dead, town devastated 

A western Canadian town of about 6,000 people was left devastated after learning that a bus carrying the town's junior hockey team had collided with a semi-truck while traveling to a playoff game, resulting in at least 14 deaths.  At least 15 others on the bus were injured, three of them critically, in the Friday crash, police confirmed. Most of those killed were likely the players on the Humboldt Broncos hockey team, who were between 16 and 20 years old -- though the Royal Canadian Mounted Police [RCMP] would not specify how many of the fatalities were players. Source


Three dead after minibus ploughs into diners outside restaurant leaving dozens injured before 'driver with psychological problems' shoots himself in front of shocked onlookers in German city  

A man has shot himself dead after ploughing a minibus into a crowd of people in the German city of Münster, killing three people and leaving 20 injured. Six people are in critical condition and dozens more are injured after the vehicle was driven at high speed towards families outside a traditional German restaurant in the university town, 300 miles west of Berlin. Terrified diners watched as the driver shot and killed himself inside the vehicle. He is believed to be a middle-aged German man with 'psychological problems' and no links to any terrorist organisations. Police are currently searching the driver's apartment for explosives and also investigating reports that two other people were seen fleeing the van after the crash. Dramatic pictures show an area of the city's old town strewn with broken tables and chairs and onlookers running for their lives. Source 

Next....PLANE DOOM????

Next....TRAIN DOOM????


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