Proof That Sacrilegious Communion Is Punished: The Impending Suicide Of Apostate Catholic Asia Argento....

Asia Just days after the Death of Anthony 

New series trying to predict the suicides of Apostate Catholics that I will post under the current series:

 Proof That Sacrilegious Communion Is Punished

The first post pf this series was on the impending death of Rachel Maddow:

This is the second post in this series - the impending death of the girl friend of Celebrity Chef Anthony Bourdain who died while masturbating - AeA. Many called his death a suicide - but there was no suicide note - Anthony died like many in Hollywood from AeA.

Anthony was a Roman Catholic who no longer practiced the faith.

His girlfriend Asia is also a Roman Catholic who no longer practices the faith.

Both Apostates had made many Sacrilegious - Anthony has been punished for his Sacrilegious Communions and Asia will be punished soon enough.

Remember you are punished for Sacrilegious communions - sooner or later.

Judas was punished for his Sacrilegious Communion - suicide by hanging.


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