Eyewitness Accounts At Knock Apparition On 21 August 1879: BYRNE, MARGARET (Widow)


“I, Margaret Byrne, nee Bourke, widow of Dominick Byrne, deceased, live near the chapel at Knock.

I remember the evening of the 21st August. I was called out at about a quarter past eight o’clock by my daughter Margaret to see the vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and of the saints who appeared at the end of the little church. It was getting dark; it was raining. I came with others to the wall opposite the gable.

I saw then and there distinctly the three images, one of the Blessed Virgin Mary, one of St. Joseph, and the third, as I learned, that of St. John the Evangelist. I saw an altar, too, and a lamb on it somewhat whiter than the altar; I did not see the cross on the altar.

The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared in the attitude of prayer, with her eyes turned up towards heaven, a crown on her head, and an outer garment thrown around her shoulders. I saw her feet. St. Joseph appeared turned towards the Blessed Virgin, with head inclined. I remained looking on for fully fifteen or twenty minutes; then I left and returned to my own house.” Source

The Church will be in eclipse, the world will be in dismay Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)


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